37 - Part Two

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@WynterAsher Police shut us down, down.. The po-po's shut us down.

I wake up with a banging headache and awful chill. I yawn loudly until the bright fluorescent lights burn my eyes and I collapse back onto the freezing cold floor.


Where am I?

I scream for help but no one hears me.

I clear my eyes and stand up in the small room. I look around. Everything is concrete in here. A small window that's blurred like a bathrooms, and a wooden bench attacked to the wall like a locker rooms is all that I see. Thankfully I have a thin white blanket wrapped around me but nothing else.

I dig around in my pockets trying to find my phone - no such luck.

Where's my phone, where's my keys?

"Help!" I scream my heart beginning to beat a hundred times quicker than usual. "Help!"

"Calm down! Jesus Christ." A man says from outside.

"Help me!" My voice croaks and a tear begins to roll down my cheek.

"Miss Asher! Calm down, you're safe." A woman enters the room and brings me a tray of food before sitting down on the bench beside me. "Your carer will be here to look after you any minute."

I frown. "Carer? Where's Finn?"

"Finn.. Your brother.. He's not liable to look after you anymore, Wynter."

I shake my head, my breathing so heavy that I begin panting. "I can't breathe! I need my brother. Please, help me!"

She wraps her arms around my side and the tears roll down my cheeks hysterically.

"Shhh." She whispers, rocking me back and forth.

"Miss Asher's carers are here now." A voice says from around the corner.

"I'm not leaving! No way! I need Finn!" I scream but she doesn't listen, she just leaves me alone in the room.


Mr and Mrs Duncan's home is on the east side of town, almost an hour and a bit from home but only twenty minutes from school which I suppose is a bit of a good thing...

I don't say a word all the way. I don't make eye contact with them. I don't even acknowledge their existences.

Not at all.

They live in a cute small town house with a pretty garden with flowers and a little pond with orange fishes and a fountain.

Mr Duncan opens the door and waits for me to enter before following behind... Probably so that I don't run off...

"You may be here for a little while, sweetheart, so be sure to make yourself at home. There's a spare bedroom upstairs on the left with a bathroom for yourself." Mrs Duncan explains with a friendly smile and a nod to the stairs gestures for me to explore.

"Dinner at 7" Mr Duncan calls up to me as I approach the top step.

I nod and open the door to the room Mrs Duncan said was mine.

The walls are painted a hideous pale pink with a floral design all over. The carpet is a soft cream and the furnishings are all a white painted wood. The duvet is covered with a pink and blue floral design with the pillows matching. A vase of faux flowers are on the bedside table and ontop of the chest of drawers which are scented in a lavender perfume which - quite frankly - stinks. There's an old box TV on top of the wardrobe which I turn on and a puff of dust spurts back at me causing me to choke. There's are only 7 decent channels and all have an awful picture quality and crackly sound system.

I head into the bathroom to reveal an old fashion raspberry pink plastic built in tub, the same coloured pink sink and pink toilet topped off with pink walls with a small cabinet mirror and pale pink floor tiles.


I roll my eyes and walk back into the bedroom collapsing in a heap on the very springy, lumpy bed, small wet tears rolling down my cheeks slowly one after the other.

"I want to go home." I whisper to myself, choking from the dryness of my mouth in comparison to my sodden wet face.

"Are you okay?" A voice says, opening the door. "I'm Samuel.. I'm being looked after to.. The Duncan's are really nice, I promise. You don't need to worry."

I wipe my eyes and sit up staring right at the boy. He's probably a freshman.. He doesn't look that old at all with his floppy hair and glasses.

"Hey.." I say. "I'm Wynter."

"I know.. You go to my school. I know everything, and I also know you don't belong here. You have friends and a home. Life's seriously s**t sometimes."

I giggle a little at this and move along on the bed for him to sit down beside me. "So why are you here?"

"Let's just say my family aren't the best of people and I had to leave.." He smiles. "But with you.. We're gonna get you out, okay? Mr and Mrs Duncan are already talking about how you should be with your brother, how nothing they're going to do will help you.. Only your family can help you and honestly, while you have them you need to appreciate them. You and I know that more than anyone."

I smile and nod. "Anyway, I'm going to take a shower. See you later." He smiles and walks out.


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