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@WynterAsher Feeling musically inclined to civil wars #Frenchrevolution #lesmiserables

"Have a good weekend everybody, don't forget to sign the textbook forms to bring back in.." Mr McArthur my math teacher announces thirty seconds before the bell... The weekend finally!


"Woop woop!" Codie, the star quarterback cheers from the desk behind me, "Wynter are you coming to the ice rink opening bash on Saturday?" He asks me.

I raise an eyebrow, "where?"

"In town, there's an ice disco for the opening night, its gonna be so cool my friends parents own the place you should come along, bring some friends" he invites me casually.

"Sure thing," I smile, pack away my belongings into my bag and head out of the classroom to find Brandon and Jace.

"Ready?" Jace asks me with a smirk.

"Yep," he offered to drive me to his so we could get on with the project stuff straight from school, turns out he lives only a block away from my apartment building and Brandon lives five houses away from his so we're having a kind-of car share... Obviously in Jace's car... Brandon's had to be taking to the dump yard... "Brandon, I'm still really sorry about your truck.." I bite my lip.

"Yeah, that truck was given to me but my grandad, it was on it's last legs but she was my baby, I loved that truck..." He says and my stomach all of a sudden starts to churn.. I feel so awful right now...

"He'll get over it" Jace nudges my shoulder a smirk lining his lips. "C'mon"

We head out into the school's parking lot and all stuff into Jace's black Range Rover. Jace, I've learnt is pretty stinking rich... Or his parents are anyway..

This is clarified once we arrive at his electronic-gated-fancy-security-system-for-safety white-washed-brick-like-a-moviestars-house mansion of a home. Its huge! And this is only one block away from my apartment building?

My jaw drops as he enters the security code into the hidden button thing in the wall alongside the security camera. We enter and he rolls his car I to the drive before stopping it, leaving the keys in the ignition then stepping out, I frown.

"Oh it's fine, Benji will drive it round the back," he says, I frown again, "The gardener."

Who the flying hippopotamus is he? How the flippity jibbit is it possible to be this rich?

"Jeez man!" I say as he enters another code, and a finger scan into the wall by the huge oak wood front door. We enter into a huge open space which looks like an exact replica of the Kardashian/Jenner household. This place is mentally hotel-like... Its huge!

"My dad owns a security business thing.. He does the security systems in all the celebrities houses and everything. I'm not rich my parents are... So don't, like, judge or anything.." He bites his lip.

"Its okay, I won't.. My dad was a pilot we had a house in London as well as Miami so I know what its like... Fake friends and that.." I say biting my lip.

"Was? He retired early?" He frowns.

"You could say that.." I mumble looking to the floor, biting my lip.

Thankfully he drops the subject... I shouldn't have brought that up...

"Do you want a drink or anything?" He asks me shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Do you have anything chocolatey?" I ask with a grin.

"Nina!" He calls loudly. All of a sudden a short, brunnete middle aged woman scuttles in the room, yes scuttles! She actually walks like a beetle... "Can you get us some brownies please and bring them out to the cave?" He asks politely. She smiles at me then nods before scuttling back through the door to wear she came from originally. "C'mon" he says pulling my shirt sleeve towards the stairs. We head down a corridor passed huge white oak doors and some extremely fancy artworks hanging from the walls, "My sisters an art student she's at art school in Paris..." He says referring to the paintings.

I continue looking around that I didn't notice him opening the door to his bedroom. I follow him in and look around, just like a normal teenage boys bedroom but there's something that catches my she in the corner. "The cave!" He grins following my eye line, "C'mon"

He has a fireman's pole in his bedroom?!?

He slides down the pole into whatever the room is below. I follow him down reliving my childhood to when Mom and dad used to take me and Finn to the kids centres and ballpits back in Miami.

The room below makes my jaw drop, its seriously the coolest room ever!

There's a foosball and ice hockey table, pinball machines, a massive stereo, a huge 100 inch flat screen cinema TV with four different gaming consoles plugged in, a huge black shiny desk with all his school books and things on top, loads of beanbags and a long six person seat sofa, a soda stream machine, and three sliding mirror doors leading off to somewhere else.

It's decorated with black wall paint with over head lights, and the floor is black and white glossy tiles.

"THIS IS AWESOME!" I half squeal half whisper because I'm afraid if I don't I'll scream my head off in excitement.

"Thanks! I designed it... Dad paid for it... He's never around so money is the only way he keeps us happy... Sucks but at least I've got a cool room!" He grins.

I feel bad for Jace, he acts so cool and calm but I can tell he just wants his Dad around to be a normal kid...

"So where shall we start?" I ask just as Nina pops her head round one of the mirror doors with the brownies and some lemonade. Nice!

I thank her whilst Jace heads into another one of the doors and comes out with some pens keeping the door open. "Wynter, can you just grab me my phone, I left it in there" he says as he tidies up his desk a bit.

I walk in the room, it's dark but an automatic light switches on as I enter to reveal a recording studio? "You sing?" I call back through to him.

"No, I play the drums, Brandon plays the electric guitar, and Kai sings, as well as playing acoustic guitar... We have a band but its no big deal.. Its just for fun really..." He comes to the doorway. "Do you?"

"I used to have singing and piano lessons.." I bite my lip. "I quit, I don't sing or play at all anymore" I say finalising the whole subject.

"Oh, that's cool.." He smiles. "So... I'm thinking the French revolution that's basically a civil war isn't it?" I shrug, "well I was watching lea miserables the movie the other night and I just thought it'd be cool to reenact some of the scenes or whatever and make a movie.. " He exclaims so passionately and happily that's its actually kinda cute... Mr Bad Boys best friend seems to be a bit of a closet nerd. "Actually... Scrap it... Its a srupid idea. We should just do a PowerPoint." He mumbles.

"No! It's okay to be a history geek!" I wink, "I love les mis... I don't want to do stupid computoring.. Let's make a movie!" I grin, clapping my hands together. He smiles.

"You don't think I'm lame do you?"

"Nah! If it helps I purposely googled the script for 'The Notebook' and learnt every single line... I could probably quote the whole movie.. That's definitely more lame than being a history geek!"

He chuckles, "you don't look like the lovey dovey type of chick"

"Its because I'm not!" I laugh. "I had nothing better to do.."

"Yeah, that's pretty lame!"

I know, I know.. Round of applause!


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