37 - Part Three

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@JacePeters some people are more complicated than words can ever say.

"What do you mean? Wynter Asher is staying at the care house!" Dakota Messeli squeals excitedly down the corridor so that everyone could hear.

"Yeah! She trashed poor old, Kai's grandma's house then spent the night at the police station before they decided her brother can't look after her because she's so mental and took her to the care house!" Someone else laughs like it's a massive joke.

I tense up all over, Wynter might be an absolute idiot and all but she's still my girlfriend. Whatever..

Brandon approaches my side. "Did you here about Wynter!"

I frown. "Yes. Who hasn't?"

He looks at me blankly. "Why aren't you freaking out then?"

I shrug, "She's not my problem."

"Oh." He says simply before grabbing his stuff out his locker and rushing off to his first class.

I roll my eyes noticing Dakota strutting down the halls towards me, "So, Peters." She purrs.

"If your here to cause trouble you may as well walk the other way, Messeli."

She giggles flirtatiously, "Ooooh I love a fiesty man."

I tense up, "Get the hell away from me."

"Ooooh babe you don't need to be so mean, I'm not the one you should be hating on sweetie. Maybe you should have a chat with your girlfriend I'd really love to find out what was going on in her mind to possess her to totally trash an old ladies house that night!"

Everyone around us laughs and Dakota innocently pouts her lips, twirling her hair around her middle finger.

"Shut the hell up, Dakota!" Kai yells from behind me. "You have know freaking idea over what happened!"

"I know you called the cops on her.. So why would you defend that monster?"

"I didn't." He hisses.

"My gran loves Wynter, you don't have a clue what's going on in her mind you little b***h so shut the f*** up and stop being such a pathetic little girl and move on. You've caused enough damage, and, for your information, my Gran's neighbour called an ambulance because she thought my Gran hurt herself but instead they took Wynter who they thought was going to collapse and somehow she ended up in the station because Finn couldn't pick her up. She's now in the care house because the cops thought Finn wasn't a good influence on Wynter - which is not at all true - and she's getting herself sorted."

I stare at Kai blankly. I've ruined everything now..

I've actually ruined everything..

I'm too quick to judge, honestly, I need to see my girlfriend and she needs to forgive me.

But first, my anger and jealousy on Kai overcomes me.


"What the f-" Kai yells clutching his nose. Dakota's face goes white and everyone looks shocked.

He wipes his nose and stares at me menacingly, "Funny how you don't give two s**t's about her, though."

"Get the hell away from my girlfriend" I hiss, pulling him by the scruff of his neck before I'm quickly dragged away by Mrs Murphy.


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