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@WynterAsher beginning to find some talents I didn't realise I had... NOT! #IceSkating

Although in terms of getting anything done for our mini movie project I did however manage to get to know the hoys more, and Stella and Edie whom seemed more and more alike to me than expected. Well clothing, music, movies, and food choices all seem to be rather similar... I'm glad Jace introduced me to the girls, I think they're becoming or will be quite close friends of mine.

I invited Edie back to mine after we'd finished at the speedway to get changed before heading to the ice rink with Jace and Reece later on. The others decided not to come.

We spend about an hour round mine painting each others nails and chatting about random things. Edie seems like a seriously cool girl, her mom's a fashion stylist and her father's in the military, she has an older brother like me and two younger brothers. Although I'd been living here a few months now I still hasn't fully decorated my room, she helped me make a wall display of music covers and random materials and things that we pin up into my wall, it looks pretty awesome.

"Reece just texted me, they're outside" Edie informs me as I come back into my room with a baggy tee, black leather jacket, and black torn skinny jeans on - ready for the ice rink. "Nice sweater" she comments, I smile.

"C'mon" I say grabbing my door keys, Finn would have probably locked up by the time I come back home.. "See ya Evan" I call before slamming the door on the way out.


Like Codie said the ice rink really is an awesome place, there's lights and things shining all the way around the rink on the hold on bars its like a 1950s teenage diner with the flashing lights and retro seating and booths. There's even like a 50s counter where the restaurant bit is and 50s arcade machines. The flooring is black and white tiles and the walls are painted red with lights and surround sound music systems attached. It's super cool!

We take our skates from the counter and head to the lockers to leave our bags and other shoes before sitting at the benches to tie up our skates.

"Ready?" Jace asks. I nod. He takes my hans in his and pulls me up, "have you skated before?"

"Nope!" I grin and release my hands. "These are surprisingly really easy to walk in.."

"You won't be saying that for much longer!" He chuckles as he lowers his body down the step onto the ice, "C'mon" he holds his hand out for me to take.

I do without any care, this ice is getting me pretty anxious, And lower myself down onto the ice where I immediately slip with the sudden impact of the not stable ground beneath me but thankfully Jace grabs my arm and studies me before I can fall flat on the ice.

I giggle nervously and with all my might clutch onto the side bar for safety.

We make a few circuits of the rink with me holding one hand on the bar and the other onto Edie's arm. She giggles like a child, not able to skate very well herself however she's more confident with it then I am so we pair up with her only having me for support. The boys skate off freely with the others but soon enough join us back with Kai in tow.

"I didn't think you were coming?" I call out to him over the music. Jace and Edie had gone to order food for us all but I decided to stay on the ice and chat a bit with Reece to get to know him more.

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