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@WynterAsher I've been here two weeks yet I'm forced to do work from before I came? #lazy

During my free period on Thursday afternoon I head to the library to find the book my English Literature class had been studying before I started here and that I need to catch up on with the reading, 'Lord of the flies' by William Golding... I've watched the movie twice but apparently Its a must for me to read the book.

I take a seat at a desk that wasn't accompanied. At my precious school to visit the library was the most unheard of and was probably an act of criminal activity to be seen entering or exiting the forbidden room... However here, the library seems to be quite lively, well not really everyone's silent but there's still a lit of people around, either on the computers, doing homework, reading a book, or being tutored in the " help zone" area where there's a coffee machine and couches to lounge around on..

I open the book and begin reading the first chapter until someone pulls the chair out from opposite me, I look up - Mrs Simpson - my history professor.

"Hi, sorry to disturb you.." She bites her lip whilst whispering, I shoot her a lopsided smile. "I just wanted to tell you - since you started a week after I set it - that you'll be working alongside Jace Peter's on a history assignment, he's told me he hasn't started his project yet but you have to choose any of the European Civil wars and make a presentation on it... Either making a sculpture or computer presentation.. Its your choice... You have till the end of the month.. Have fun!" She says before standing up and walking away.

Jace Peters.. Mr Bad Boys friend... Great..

And the bell rings signalling lunch time. I find a pen in my bag, write my name on the inside cover of the book because the school thinks I'd really want to steal a $3 book... Then head towards the canteen.

"Wynter!" Someone calls from behind me, I turn around and almost bump into some random by younger kid, I shoot him an apologetic look and stand still waiting for the other masses of teenagers to pass so I could see who was calling me. "Thanks for waiting!" He grins... "So we're history buddies now?" Jace grins.

I nod my head, "sure are but if you dare make fun if me about Brandons truck I'll reenact a civil war on you okay?" I wink.

"Ooooh sassy!" He laughs. "Don't worry I won't! I actually want to do well in this project.. So don't get naked and distract me!" He winks.

I burst into laughter, "You and your friends seriously have problems..."

"Thanks, your not so bad yourself"

I frown... He's such a random weirdo..


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