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@WynterAsher Jace's Lucky Bat wasn't as lucky for some... #Baseball

The walk to school on Monday morning seems to take forever, my nose is blocked and my eyes are itchy, my hair is still damp and I just genuinly feel freezing cold all over... Even though its 50 degrees out...

I sneeze again about another fifty time before tightening my jacket around me and trying to walk quicker.


I hear the school bell ring signalling registration only just as I walk into the school gates.

Great.. I'm sick, and late.

All of a suddem my phone vibrates in my pocket, I pull it out to find a text message from Keiran, "haven't seen you in ages... Where r u? Come to home room?' This makes me automatically feel guilty..

Ever since I'd started chatting with the boys in class, and ever since my party with Kai I haven't really spent much time with Keiran or his friends especially when this whole weekend I've been with Jace and the boys...

Even after school today me and Edie have arranged to go shopping to get the costumes for our mini-movie. Edie, Reece, and Stella all live on the opposite side of town, half an hour from the rest of us so they go to another high school nearer there area...

I text him back, " yeah I'm now on my way.."

"No mobile phones in school, young lady" a female teacher booms loudly down the corridor.

"Sorry" I mutter and place it in my bag, home room is just down the corridor. You can make it before first period, Wynter!


"I swear it was an accident" I cry to Mrs Murphy, the principle.

"No it wasn't, she hates me Miss, she'd do anything to hurt me... and now look at what she's done!"

Let me explain...

First and second period on a Monday morning is devoted to sport out on the fields. Girls do sport separate from the boys but today of all days the sports teachers decided to place the boys and girls together for mixed baseball. Never in my life have I ever played baseball... In Miami we never played it... We usually did softball or hockey indoors in winter and volleyball or track events in summer... Never did we play Baseball with the boys... Ever.

So, the cheerleaders and popular girls took this opportunity to show off to the boys. I hung around with Keiran and his friends until it was my turn to bat. At the same time the fielding team decided to switch around their players... DAKOTA MESSELI CHANGED TO BOWLER.... This made me panic a bit so I looked for confidence to Jace who was on the same team as me, he'd already told me how to hold my bat and everything so he just held his thumbs up and smiled at me, comfortingly.

Dakota bowled the ball and the first time it just rolled passed me...

The second time it rolled passed me...

The thirty time everyone was already sniggering and laughing at mt uselessness, even Dakota.. She was loving my non sporting ability because she's a cheerleader, she's sporty, the boys think that's cool so my failing automatically made her feel better about herself... More authoritical like Jace says...

Bit when I hit it a silence occurred by everyone, even the sports teachers. No one said a word till...


Dakota Messeli let off the loudest, most ear tingling scream ever heard. An astranaut in outer space could have probably heard it... Although it'd probably only be a little whisper by the time it got through the ozone layer....

But the point was, and that everyone was gossiping about as soon as Dakota had been rushed to the nurses office was that...

I, Wynter Asher, had hit - what would've been a home run - at Dakota Messeli's nose....

For a second I just stood there, staring blankly, jaw dropped, face and body numb... Until someone ran up to me basically jumping on my shoulders in a tight bear hug once Dakota had been shuffled away.

Still I was in disbelief, I can't believe I did that...

"My lucky bat was lucky after all!" Jace exclaims picking his bat up from the floor to where it had obviously slipped out of ky hands when my body went numb. He kissed the too of it and finally I snap back I to reality.

"I can't believe that just happened... That was never meant to happen... I feel awful..." I bite my lip flaring my arms around.

"Its Dakota Messeli, she had it coming!" Brandon laughs patting me on the bat. "At least I'm not the only one you've broken something from"

"Broken?" I say my mouth dropped open even wider...

"Her nose obviously wasn't going to survive a hit that hard!" Keiran laughs around me.

"Oh my gosh.." My palm voluntarily hits my forehead. "That makes !e feel worse... Should I go to the nurse and check up on her?"

Kai frowns and Jace and Brandon in unison shake their heads. "She's a bitch, she had it coming!" Jace laughs.

"OhMyGod you seriously aren't getting it..." I shake my head. "She might be horrible and stuff but I don't want people thinking I did it on purpose, that just makes me look just as bad a person as her..."

The boys all laugh. "Come on it is quite funny!"

And I laugh too... Maybe it was a little funny...

So that's how I end up with an after school detention and head of charities work for the rest of the month...


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