36 - Part Two

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@WynterAsher Maybe I'm not the person you all thought I am.. Maybe I'm not from the family with a perfect lifestyle like you all thought I am from... We all have a bad past, and maybe mine is of a more extreme kinda bad... But does that really give you the opportunity to violate me when you have NO IDEA of what actually went on? Yes. My father killed a few hundred people.. But he's NOT a murderer... He was a troubled man and no one knew the full extent of pain he was going through, not even us - his family. My mother died in the plane crash too, imagine that! Losing both of your parents the same time! Imagine it! I don't blame my father. Occasionally I get mad but it could have happened to ANYONE!
I believe the big man upstairs has a plan for everyone. I'm not Christian but I believe everything happens for a reason and maybe that's how I've dealt so well with the loss of my parents. Maybe this was God's plan for them. Nothing is ever going to be perfect in our lives, everyone has bad, awful, painful times but its the way we deal with it.. My father was depressed as hell.. His way of dealing with it wasn't great.. He didn't work or leave the house but once he did.. It was too early as we all realised the hard way...
But what gives you the right to judge a poor, desperate, dead man when you knew nothing about him?
What gives you the right to bring up the past and use it to destroy me in the now future?
What gives you the right to even use this against me?
How am I even relating to the actions of my parent?
Maybe I'm an Asher so I'm the easiest one to blame for the losses of the hundreds in the crash but how was a poor teenager ever an influence on the way my father acted?
I did nothing to make him do what he did. I didn't even realise how badly affected he was by his demons inside until after the incident.
No one knew.
And no one cared.
Because all they saw him was, was a murderer.
A dirty, filthy, aggressive murder.
But that wasn't him at all.
My father's a good, loving, selfless, caring man.
But you wouldn't no that.

Coz all you see is what others said.
And that's not right.

Yet I still kinda wanna thank you.
Thank you for bursting my protective bubble and for helping me see sense. Thank you for helping me to stop hiding away and to finally come out and be real about my whole situation.
I've spent the last year hiding away, being embarrassed about the whole situation but now through this fierce confrontation I've actually learnt a lot.
A lot about who my true friends are, a lot about myself and the people around me. Who's going to stick with me through my tough times and who's going to judge and hate on me.
And I respect and love every single one of you because that's what makes me myself.
I'm not perfect.
Don't ever think of me as 'perfect' but also don't think of me as the person who's got the crappy past.
So yeah.. Thanks for everything..

Yours truly, Wynter Asher.


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