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@WynteeAsher Student of the month... NOT #Badass

Principle Murpheys face seemed to drop more than 25 inches when she looked up from her paperwork to reveal me and Kai sat the opposite side of her desk, Monday morning during what should be sports period.

"Its nonesense.. Absolute stupid nonsense.. I'm genuinely so very disappointed in the pair of you." Is basically all she has to say. She doesn't shout... Nor does she glare or threaten us in anyway, she simply speaks of how dissapounted she is in a group of how such "grown up, mature students" could let ourselves, and our school down for such a petty reasononing... And on a charity event.

I must admit I do feel even more awful after she mentioned the word "disappointed" that's honestly the worst word ever... Why couldn't she yell at us or something... It would have made me feel a lot less bad about it than her actually being... Nice to us...

"I don't think detentions or whatever is the way to punish you either... In fact I don't know if there really is anything or anyway to punish you from because honestly... Keeping this between ourselves.. Your teenagers, you're smart, young kids and out of school hours you should be having fun... Although you did let the school look stupid so that's what I need to punish you for.... So... Both of you are on gardening duty..."

Gardening duty? What sort of punishment is gardening duty?

"You'll be helping Owen, the gardener, in the gardens and fields on a Saturday morning till from 9-12 up until spring break... Okay? And Wynter.. I've taken you off being the head of charities... Although you did raise an awful lot of money, I would still love for you to join in some of the future events..." She says before writing us each a slip of paper to give to our parents or carers... Or for me, my brother... "Now go on you silly ones... Get to class!" She chuckles clearly sensing our confusion..

Was she mad or was she happy....

"Is it just me or was she complementing our stupidness?" Kai turns to me as we head out of the office and down the corridor towards our lockers.

"That's what I was thinking!" I laugh.

Kai follows me towards my locker so i can drop my bags off because it's lunch in a few minutes... We decided not to go back to sport because there's only a few minutes left anyway..

We make small talk about nothing in particular but I can't stop laughing when he brings up the water/bubble fight from the weekend. "You know I actually had so much fun that day! I hate school, everyone knows that but... Yeah that was cool"

I smile, Kai is never enthusiastic about things... In the short space of time I've known him, this is an obvious trait of his... But now he looks seriously.. Excited maybe?


"Wait so let me get this straight... Kai Ryder has to pick flowers for punishment?" Keiran announces at the lunch table.

Kai left me to go to lunch on my own... He doesn't seem to come to lunch any day of the week... It's kinda weird I guess, especially when he was the one to try and make fun of me on my first day for not eating, but that's what Kie's like, Jace even said how secretive Kie is... And they're best friends so of course I wasn't going to dig to try and figure where he was off to... That's just a bit weird..

There's definitely more to him than what meets the eye..

"So anyway, Francesca Lopez is throwing a fancy dress themed Disney party Saturday night.. I got an invitation and she's letting me bring some friends - because we're best buddies now" he winks, "you guys should totally come!"

I have no idea who this chick is but j seriously love fancy dress.... And Disney!?! This is actually so cool! I don't know if a sixteen year old girl should really be this excited or not...

"Really!?" I exclaim happily, "I'll totally go... Who is Francesca Lopez?"

"She's a gymnast, but its cool because she's on the cheer leading squad but also my lab partner in Chemistry and she's so nice and smart! Like a total opposite to Dakota even though they're on the same squad.."

"Oh, that's cool!" I smile, "anyway.. I've gotta go meet Jace... We're filming this lunch"

"Filming what?" Alex asks, I haven't told these guys about our project yet... Oops...

"Oh, he's my history project partner... We're filming a short movie inspired by les miserables..." I inform. Keiran raises an eyebrow.

"You really shouldn't be spending as much time with those guys... They're bad news... Honestly" he says but this kinda gets me a bit annoyed... Of course he'd say that... He doesn't know them, and they look like the 'bad boys' sure they look a bit violent and intimidating but... They're nice people...

What am I saying? Maybe I should be listening to Keiran... All these years I've been hating the stereotypes and cliques of high school... But now? Now I'm falling into them myself....

Although I like my friendship groups now....

"Save it till spring break, Wynter, work these people out for yourself..." I whisper under my breath whilst walking out of the cafeteria and off towards Jace's locker, where I was meeting up with him.


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