Twenty Four

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@WynterAsher falling slowly...

I still don't know why Edie is ignoring me, I know that she's definitely ignoring me because she hasn't even said two words to me since being on the trip really...

I feel kinda bad... I don't know why because I know I haven't don't anything wrong.. Intentionally that is...

I wish everybody would hurry up back from campfire, I can't face being alone with her for too long in case she murders me or something...

Who am I kidding? This is Edie, one of my best friends she's probably just tired or suffering from the heat and isn't actually ignoring me... She probably hasn't heard me speaking...

I bite my lip before entering the RV to find it completely empty. I look around... I'm pretty sure I saw her come in here...

I quietly turn on the light switch and walk up the van without making a noise until I approach the bathroom where I hear sniffling and choked up tears.

I'm instantly even more worried...

"Edie?" I say. No reply. "Edie it's Wynter.. I'm on my own.. Please come out"
She still doesn't say anything. I sigh loudly and sit down on the nearest bunk. Eventually I hear the lock twist and out comes Edie, her eyes red and puffy and her skin white and blotchy with a trail of mascara running by her nose.

"I'm sorry, Wynter, I've ruined everything." She whimpers.

I pull her into a hug, totally confused as to what that means but not bothering to ask because I'd rather just comfort her... Edie never cries.. She's such a mentally strong person, usually laughing and joking and so meantlly and physically confident that seeing her like this is just... Weird.

"Wynter... I like Jace." She says more tears pouring out. I loosen my grip around her to look into her eyes.

I shake my head biting my lip, not sure of what she means.

"I love him, Wynter, it's not just a crush anymore... I've loved him forever and it's not going away.. You're my best friend and just seeing you with him is breaking my heart, I try to hide it and forget about him because I don't want to lose you but... I can't."

I look at her emptily, I don't know how to feel... I don't know what to say to make things better...

"Are you asking me to break up with him?" I choke realising I hadn't spoke in a while that now my throat was completly dry.

"No!" She cries, "I can't let you do that... But I can't be around you guys either..."

Now tears begin to form in my eyes, I didn't realise how much I actually like Jace as more than just a friendly way until he's almost taken away from me...

"Why have you ruined everything then?" I try to find somewhere to compromise with her.. Something to do to take the pressure off a bit...

I really don't know what I'm doing...

"Because... I... I kissed him..." She chokes, "and I loved it..."

I look at her, anger building up inside of me, but at the same time deep sadness for her... She's still my best friend and she's clearly very regretful but.. Why would she do that to me?

"I need to go for a walk." I say, the heat suddenly making me sweat to much that my clothes are beginning to literally stick to my skin.

"Want me to come?" She asks desperately.

I shake my head and make my way outside.


I don't know where I'm going but all I know is I need to get away... I need to be alone and think... Then cry a bit... But mostly think.

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