Beginning the Battle

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Owen couldnt stay to really focus. His body was pulling him away, and Danny didn't pay him any mind.

"It's going to be so easy to kill you, Lily."

She watched carefully, trying to come to terms with the fact that a close friend was trying to kill her.

"He wants you dead. If you can't heal Owen, you can't save Sunday."

"Ex girlfriend Sunday?" Lily asked.

"Dont be an idiot. His real Soulmate. He doesn't deserve her."

"That's strange." Lily remarked edging closer.

"Not as strange as The myth that you can do anything about the fate."

"The fate of the world, yeah I knew about that a week ago."

Lily was close enough to knock her down. Just close enough.

As she prepared to attack, the sound of trees crashing and laughter made her freeze. Turning on her toes, she sprinted away from her possessed friend and toward the one that needed me.

"Bitch! Get back here!"

Irony sucks when I can't argue with that. She thought sadly as she put more effort into running.

Lily stopped short as she took in the scene in front of her.

"Zane!" She screamed as tears swelled in her eyes.

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