Personal Hell

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Growing up, Lily wasn't spoiled. She lived with her father and mother and one of her older brothers.

Louis was eight years older than her and his friends lived at the house, literally her parents put up a room for Neal who had been chased from his house.

Before you ask she has three older brothers but the two other boys lived with their mother. Colin had been married and had his three children with Wanda before she cheated on him and divorced him. Lily saw them maybe once every six months.

Let's be fair here, hate is a horrible emotion and despite the circumstances she refused to fall so low as to despise her own kin. . .

Kaitlin was the oldest at twelve when Lily was born, growing up Kaitlin had been the one to take care of her siblings. After the divorce Wanda had had two more children the older of the two was a boy name was Colby, and the younger one Bianca was only nine months younger than Lily.

James was the oldest boy, his attitude had gotten him in a lot of trouble he was the definition of a rebel child. James was a daddy's boy and had no problem beating on anyone who made fun of him.

Louis was the second oldest and Marie's son. Seen was the youngest boy and he was a nerd. He loved to take things apart and find new ways to put things together and still make it work. Yes his name is Seen as in the past tense of saw. And you wonder why he's a nerd.

Lily's first pet was her fathers red wolf hound. The old dog was Lily's babysitter for the first nine months of her life. While her parents had work and different parties they would leave her with Louis who would leave her with the dog and leave. After that though they discovered cancer had infested his entire body an put him down.

Would you believe she still remembers that wolf's icy blue eyes and course fur?

At the age of three her parents bought the building in their little town and created a bar. Without the resources of a babysitter her parents set her in a room in the back and simply told her to be good. For the next five years she lived in a bar.

At the tender young age of six her older brother offered to watch her while the rest of the family went to a wedding that was adult only. That night Lily learned things she shouldn't have known at that age. Locked in her room she was Left without food for the night with her older brother. . . Naturally those memories had been blocked.

When she turned twelve those memories came back but she was determined to stay sane. Her face was clean then, her bangs were short and soft. She was so tiny but had her older brother James attitude. But of course she didn't have the instinct to distrust anyone.

Her best friend and cousin had a golden retriever puppy and they loved to walk together. Two adorable little girls with a large hyper dog seemed like such a good target. Timothy Lynn was a twenty year old convicted murderer. His own younger sister had been his victim. He'd been convicted of raping her little eight year old body and then stringing her beat up body from the shower head. A gang of boys had found out and before he'd been tossed in jail he'd been hooked up to a car battery and electrocuted to within an inch of his life, killing his brain activity and any chance of the state being able to keep him behind bars. Too bad for the cousins, huh?

Timmy followed Lily all over town and when she was alone he approached her. Trust was one thing she was determined to have in men and so she spoke to him but the things he told her made her flesh crawl. . .

"Do you know what blood tastes like? No? Like metal."

"Ok." Lily felt her heart race when he came closer.

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