What are you going to say?

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Saturday she woke up before the sun to the sound of a phone screech. Her mothers drowsy voice answered and Lily listened. "Oh, now you need me?"

"I'm not going without my daughter."

"I don't care if you want me to train the new girl, I'm not going without my daughter."

"You say that but those customers come to see her and you know it."

"I'm glad you can see it my way. I'll see you in a bit." Lily sat up and looked at the floor.

"Sweetie, time to get up." Lily looked up with a smile and nodded. She got dressed and ready in record time and she sat in front of her mirror and studied herself.

She couldn't find anything worth taking an interest. Her flaws seemed to echo in her mind as she stared at her lacking appearance. The things she did and said filled her head, then the things that had happened to her filled her mind and stopped her doubt. This is who the world wanted her to be and she was happy to oblige.

She worked without a mishap, and got off easily. She counted her tip and split it, took her wage and sat at the bar, the money safe in her wallet. She watched her mom for hours, restless as she drank beer after beer, the bartender shouting, 'It's on the house!' over and over. Lily sighed and looked at the door as her grandmother walked in. Lily felt the chill of anger fill her and she could feel her mask of emotionless passivity consume her face. It was a familiar feeling.

"How was work my girl?" Monica asked as she sat down.

Lily shrugged. "It was fine I suppose."

"How did we do today?" She asked, a calculating glint to her eye. Lily shrugged.

"Check the tape, it's all there." She turned back to the bar and watched her mother down a shot, and her eyes strayed the to six others on the bar. Liquor wasn't good for her . . . ever.

"Sweetie." Lily looked at her grandmother the chilling tone made her guard shoot up. "I don't think the bar is the place for a child like you."

"When did Amber start working here? Olivia? Stewart?" Lily watched her grandmother wince.

"They were raised here, and they know what their doing." Lily smiled coldly.

"I don't see any of them here. I see them hitting you up for free cash."

"Their Donald's children." Her voice and dismissive demeanor said it all. Donald was her mothers older brother and the family favorite. He could do no wrong and neither could his kids.

"Your new girl was a no show." Monica frowned at that. "You might want to find her."

"Sweetie, I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't want anything like last weeks episode to happen again." Lily snorted. If only she knew.

"It doesn't matter. It won't because we both know my mother won't let it." Monica nodded, then she smiled.

"How was school?" Her grandmother really was her favorite person despite the anger she felt at the moment.

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