Closet Showdown

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She quietly approached the door and gripped the knob.

A muffled moan filled the air around her and Lily stopped.

What if whoever was in there was in there by choice. That would be awkward to walk in on.

Of course the choked scream that echoed next chased that idea away. It wasn't a good scream, but the kind a girl makes when she's fighting off an attacker. Hopeless and furious. Math could wait.

"The fuck is going on in there?" She whispered, the words barely even made it past her lips before she pulled the door open and was almost sick on sight.

Her mind blanked as she took in the scene in front of her. It wasn't a girl on the floor. A terrified face turned up to plead with her with his large violet eyes.

His hands were pinned behind his back, and his mouth was ducktaped, while normally that doesn't stop you from making sound the way his head was bent down against his chest and he had to turn his head under his body to gaze at her only meant his air was constricted. His shirt was missing, and his jeans were halfway down his legs, stuck at his knees. His green and blue stripped boxers were exposed and Lily started shaking as her eyes turned to take in the offender.

The janitor kneeled behind the boy, his hands frozen on his hips, fingers still curled around the waistband of his boxers. A very proud erection was barely visible as it pressed against the boys rear end.

A gasped panting was filling the space around them as the boy slowly suffocated. Lily snapped out of her terrified daze and snapped out her leg and let it connect with the attacking mans face. He didn't try to block and he stumbled away, allowing a weak boy to slump onto the slimy floor of the closet.

"Bitch!" Lily smirked as a very familiar chill filled her.

"You are a pervert." Lily told him, and gripped her textbook and used it as a bat.

She swung at the distracted older man and watched his head snap down to his chest and the back against the stone wall of the closet. She lifted the book and swung again, and let him fall to the ground, completely stunned and very disoriented. Lily growled very lowly and sent a kick to his perverted nuts and watched his body lurch before his eyes closed and his body went slack.

"You deserved worse, you pervert." Lily whispered, and gripped her book closer to her chest.

Lily snapped back to reality and dropped to her knees to untie the boy on the floor. His arms fell limply to his sides as his body slumped flat to the floor.

Lily gripped his bare shoulder and turned him over off his face and onto his back. She felt a slight panic as she let her wrist in front of his face to check for breath.

She felt only slightly better when his breath touched her eager wrist. Being as gentle as possible she tugged on the tape in his mouth and pulled it off his face, wincing at the red stain on his skin.

Lily lifted a hand to his forehead and moved the thick bangs away to see smooth skin.

"Alright, wake up." She whispered softly, feeling the pressure of time on her shoulders. If she was caught like this, there would be a hell of a time explaining. Life was just unfair.

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