Finding the boy was easy, surrounded by his friends and teachers. Lily growled low in her throat as anger filled her. After the whole scene with Gale, Lily was out for blood. Just not more trouble than she was already in. . .
Gale came up behind her and snorted. "Ass hole."
Lily almost cried, a bitter Gale made hungry baboons chasing a fat kid in a banana suit seem like a walk in the park, even though the poor kid got ripped to pieces and became a girl. . . Wow sick mind.
"Hey, can you do a spell?" She asked, big blue eyes pleading.
Lily had cast random spells for the girl, complexion and attraction spells. Lily wasn't sure they worked, so far all she knew was that her dreams came true but it made Gale feel better so she nodded.
"I want you to make him find his soulmate, and then make her hate him. Break his heart like he broke mine!" Lily stepped back, jumped from bitter Gale to crazy Gale. . . Darwin is gunna hurt for this one. . .
That day after school Lily went home and grabbed the supplies she thought she'd need. Red rose petals, quarts the vanilla extract and a little bowl to crush the ingredients together. Bring the two together then Gale would take care of the rest of she still wanted to. Lily hoped not but who was she to say no?
She set up the spell near the lake Gale lived on and sent the spell to sea. Let that take care of it. Gale watched with a guilty expression as she preformed. "I just made sure the girl would meet him. I gave the push, but I didn't do anything to make her evil or anything." The spell worked by stating the name of the victim and then the releasing of the Earth spirit. The spell was good but the after intensions were what mattered. . .
After that the girls raced inside to watch movies and talk. The sun set and Lily went home. The shower was hot and steamy and she loved the hot feel on her skin. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her. The mirror was fogged so she used to towel to wipe it a bit. Opening the door she stepped out and stopped.
Her dad sat in the chair in the living room where he'd been since his surgery so long ago. His own bitterness had made him a hard and cold man. His words lashed and cut at anyone within hearing distance.
"Did you have the fan on?" The bathroom exhaust fan, she'd forgotten again!
"No I forgot, I'll do it next time." She wrapped the towel tighter and made a move to walk by.
"You say that and you never do. You forget, you complain, you act like it's all about you." Her own anger at his stupid comment rose.
"When have I ever said it was all about me?"
"Just do the dishes before you go to bed." He said standing up. He walked by the laundry pile and stopped. "Fold the laundry!" he screamed. Lily hurried into her room to put on some clothes. "Lily! Take the garbage out!" Lily counted to ten in her head, or she was gunna when her dad shouted when she reached four. "Lily the floors a mess!"
Really? Serious right now? She dropped the hem of her shirt and stormed down stairs. "What did you do all day?" she demanded.
"I did the dishes." He said like a wounded god damn animal.
"No, because you just told me to do them!"
"Well I guess I forgot. What are you doing up? You have work tomorrow!"U Lily sighed.
Yeah, work. . . At the bar her grandparents owned over an hour away. Fools Gold was an old place that opened for breakfast at five, and so she woke up at three to drive the hour after getting ready. Lovely.
"Yeah, goodnight." She told him, tired with frustration.
"I don't understand why you make your mother take you there every Saturday. It's pointless and stupid to go and waste the gas."
"Shut up already."
Lily collapsed in her bed and stared at the ceiling making sure her alarm clock was set before closing her eyes and going to sleep. . .
Living the Life of a Hell Survivor
WerewolfLily Alexis is a girl of many . . . talents. The past has managed to shape her personality into someone she can't recognize. Can this girl of many horrors battle past her monsters that follow? And will she give the stranger thats come into her life...