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"You don't love somebody because they're perfect.
You love them in spite of the fact that they're not."

// 𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 //

"Dream, what are you doing?" George yelled, a grin spread across his face.

"Get out of here, George!" Dream shouted back, mustering a laugh.

"You're so low!" George exclaimed, frantically spam-clicking his mouse, swinging his axe and trying to get a good hit on Dream's avatar.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Dream snapped back, laughing as he pulled out an iron axe and jumped up, critting George.

"AAH!" George screamed in fear and turned, sprinting the other way. He was down to two and-a-half hearts.

"Come here, George!" Dream yelled his iconic line. George gave a series of screams and pleads for mercy in response.

They had been streaming PVP for about two hours now, practicing for the MCC that was coming up in a week. They were finally on the same team, after a few months of not being together.

George refused to admit that he was excited to be teaming with Dream. After all, he was really good at the game, and with their two skills combined; along with the fact that they've been playing Minecraft together for years; made them perfect teammates. George was so ready to win.

Chat was going crazy right now as Dream was hysterically laughing, chasing George in an attempt to finish him off.

"NO! Stop!" George exclaimed, but his cries were in vain. Dream inevitably caught up with him and hit him in the back with his axe. George's screen went red as his avatar vanished into dust.

He collapsed back into his chair in defeat as Dream gave a series of victorious shouts, dancing his character around and swinging an empty fist at the air. George was pretending to be disappointed, but secretly he had a smile on his face. His facecam was off, so the viewers couldn't see. He mostly just didn't want them to see that his greenscreen was down, packed up into boxes just like everything else in his house.

"That was so unfair," George complained after a minute of listening to Dream celebrate and feeling sorry for himself.

"What?? You literally had a diamond axe and a golden apple! The odds were that you would win."

"Well, you're better at PVP than me!" George shot back.

"Obviously," Dream laughed in response.

"Ugh, you're so annoying."

"One more round?"

"Fine, but then I have to end the stream. I can't sit here and get beat by you all night," George said as he clicked his mouse to respawn. As he ran the command to give him his armor and tools, Dream jumped over to him and spammed shift a few times, awaiting his 'ok' to begin.

"Okay- go," George said quickly, grinning, hoping to catch Dream off guard. He jumped at him and managed to land a critical hit with the axe.

"I wasn't ready!" Dream complained as he turned and ran the other way.

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