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"Oh shit, Dream, you shouldn't have," Nick said as he unboxed the gift Dream had bought for him. Pokémon cards; lots of them. He knew how much Nick loved those things, even if Dream didn't understand them himself.

"Just wait until you see my gift," George said from beside Dream. They were on a call with Nick, Quackity, and Karl in the same place they had been last night, unboxing each other's gifts. 

Nick had bought Dream a PS5, the thing he'd asked for. 

"You're welcome," Dream said with a grin, watching as Nick opened the box with an elated expression, looking at the brown paper-wrapped packs of cards.

"Wait, I should do a stream or something opening these," Nick said, pausing.

"Yeah, you could do that," Dream agreed.

"Oh yeah, make some money off of Dream's gift," George scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, shut up, George," Nick snorted. "Like you wouldn't do the same thing."

"I'm not saying I wouldn't."

The five of them continued opening the gifts presented for one another. Everyone pretty much got each other sweatshirts, or candles, or specific things they asked for. It didn't take long before it was Dream and George's turn to open their gifts for one another.

George's gift to Dream was a small thing, wrapped intricately in wrapping paper. It had some weight to it, though. Dream held it lightly between his fingers.

"Should I open it now?" He asked George.

"Yes!" Nick exclaimed pointedly from the phone. Dream ignored him.

"Yeah, unless you want me to open mine first," George nodded.

"It doesn't matter to me," Dream shrugged.

"Okay, open it then."

"Alright." Dream gently began unwrapping the gift, removing the bow and peeling the tape back. George watched, bouncing his leg nervously.

Dream smiled when the tape was detached and the gifts were revealed. George had gotten him a trio of silver rings, matching the colors of the ones on his knuckles. He also got him a black beaded necklace with a silver infinity charm in the middle.

"What? These are so cool!" Dream exclaimed whole-heartedly. He looked at George, a genuine smile on his face. "George, these are awesome!" He said.

"You like them?" George asked, and Dream could hear the nervousness evaporating from his voice after his delighted reaction.

 "Yes, I love them! How'd you know I wanted new rings?" He asked, taking the rings out of the package and examining them. They were platinum; the best kind of metal; and had several little engravings etched into the surface. They fit perfectly onto Dream's hands.

"I didn't. I just sorta guessed," George admitted with a scoff. He was beaming. "I'm so glad you like them."

"Are they really all platinum?" Dream asked wondrously, glancing at George, who nodded. "Holy shit, that must've been expensive," he chuckled.

"Eh, it wasn't that bad," George shrugged. Dream knew he was lying. He'd looked at the cost of platinum rings before; and for ones this nice, they could've easily been 1.5K a piece.

"And you also got me a necklace? Wow, this is nice," Dream said. He hooked the necklace around his neck and looked at George. "How do I look?" He asked, holding his hands out and showing off his new rings.

"Like a badass," George laughed.

"Lemme see!" Nick exclaimed from the phone. 

"Yeah, what'd you get?" Quackity asked. Dream showed off his gorgeous new jewlery.

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