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"Can I get you guys anything else?" The bartender interrupted them, and they both looked at her, goofy smiles on their faces. "Another shot, or a drink perhaps?" She asked.

"Hm..." Dream said thoughtfully with a glance at George. "Maybe we should slow down. It's getting late and we should probably head home soon," he suggested. George shrugged.

"Yeah," he agreed, "but... I think we can have just one more," he added with a narrow-eyed grin.

Dream pursed his lips reflectively. Finally, he gave a shrug. "We'll both take another shot," he said to the lady, and she gave a nod before pulling out two new shot glasses and filling them with translucent liquid, setting the tiny cups in front of them.

"Thanks," George said it her, grabbing the glass and swishing it around in his hand. "On three," he added, looking at Dream out of the corner of his eye.

Dream nodded, though he couldn't hide the disgusted expression on his face. "This stuff tastes like shit," he muttered, but listened as George counted down.

"Okay, three... two... one." They both lifted the cups to their lips and took the alcohol with looks of disgust pulled across their faces. Dream slammed the glass down with a heavy sigh.

"Ew," he wrinkled his nose.

"Gross," George agreed, shaking his head.

"Should I call an Uber?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Dream pulled out his phone and dialed the number, eventually getting into contact with someone and requesting a car. He had to wait a minute for the call to go through. He guessed there were a lot of people requesting Ubers right now, needing a ride after a night out of drinking.

He finally got through to someone, and explained to them where he was and that he needed a cab. He listened quietly as they typed the pub location into their map and searched how far away it was. Dream was distractedly watching a TV above the bar,  tapping his foot on the stool he was sitting in.

He was more than surprised to feel a hand trace his leg and squeeze his thigh.

Dream practically flinched at the touch, eyes flitting down to see George leaning over slightly in his seat, head tilted down and hair hiding his face, reaching under the counter, as if he was trying to be subtle. George's hand trailed across the hem of Dream's pants up the side of his thigh, slowly beginning to move inward, sending tingles down his body and causing him to exhale involuntarily.

Dream panickily snatched the hand before it could get any farther.

"The one on 198th street?" The man's voice questioned from the other end of the line.

Of course he was still on the phone with the guy, so he had to act like that really hadn't just happened. "Uuuh- hyeah. That's the one," Dream said in his best normal voice as the guy confirmed the location. Though he was speaking casually, he was sure his tone was a little more strained than it had been a few moments ago.

"Okay. The map here says I'll be about fifteen minutes."

"Perfect," Dream said, still clasping George's hand, terrified that if he let go, he would do something indecent. "Thank you." The guy hung up. As soon as he did, Dream slammed the phone on the counter and turned to George, who was slowly turning his head upward to reveal a smirk. "What the hell was that?" He demanded in an elevated tone, still grasping the palm between his fingers.

George didn't answer, just fluttered his eyelids, that same smirk still on his face. "What?" He asked, giving his best innocent expression and widening his big brown eyes at Dream.

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