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The ride home was warm. For the first time in what seemed like a long while, it really felt warm.

Dream and George sat in the back of the uber, chatting up a storm about nothing in particular. It felt so good to just talk freely with George again, Dream didn't even care that their conversations weren't going anywhere. George finally seemed happy. It was like the air between them had been fogged before; but now, it was clear and they could say whatever they wanted.

Conversation came up about plans for Florida, and finding the quickest plane tickets, and a wide array of other things as well. Dream was forced to list all the pros and cons about living with Nick; though he couldn't come up with any more cons than 'he farts a lot' and 'he only does his laundry if you threaten to take away his WiFi.'

While they were talking, Dream didn't bring up any big questions yet. He wanted to wait until they got home, so they didn't have to worry about the driver eavesdropping, or being cut off when the ride was over. Besides, he was really enjoying this light conversation. He could just sort of turn his mind off for a bit and relax. Rejuvenate.

Plan out how the hell he wanted to go about talking to George about this.


"Do you want one egg or two?" George asked as he pulled out a half-filled egg carton from the fridge. He set it on the counter beside the two packs of ramen that he was going to cook alongside it.

Dream brushed a stray strand of hair from his face with a deft motion. He was seated on one of the chairs at the island directly across from where George was standing in the kitchen, palms propped up against the marble countertop as he stared at him with an inquisitive expression. Dream couldn't help but smile.

"Two," he said. "Are you sure you don't want me to make them? I really feel bad having you make me food when I'm the one who's supposed to be taking care of you."

George scoffed. "Pfft. Don't worry, I've made eggs before. They're easy. And all you do for ramen is put it in a pot and boil it on the stove, it's really not that hard," he dismissed easily, reaching below the counter and grabbing a small pot to cook the noodles along with a frying pan for the eggs. "You've been doing things for me long enough. It's about time I do something nice for you," George stated. He retrieved the butter from the fridge and plopped a wad of it into the frying pan as he turned on the heat. Shortly after, it began melting.

"Oh, come on, George. You don't need to do anything for me," Dream said. His tone was fond, edged with a touch of realism, fingers lacing atop the counter as he watched George's movements. He didn't even realize his leg bouncing restlessly beneath the counter.

"I know that's what you think. But that's not what I think," George said. He was facing the other way now, tending to the melting butter and filling the small pot with warm water from the sink. "To me, I've been an asshole to you; yet despite my attitude, you've just been continuously doing nice things for me. You never stop. And it's great - really, It's an amazing trait to have - but really, I just can't stand it anymore. I need to do some things myself, or I think I'm gonna go crazy," George admitted. His hands flew over the stove, adding seasonings to the now-melted butter and cranking on the second heater to start boiling the water.

"Well, that's all changing today," George continued as Dream listened. "I'm not going to be an asshole anymore. In fact, I'm going to be the nicest, kindest person you've ever met. There's nothing holding me back," George was saying happily. Dream let out a light laugh, watching as George tapped a white egg on the counter and emptied the gooey contents into the sizzling pan.

"I'm glad to hear it," Dream encouraged. "That's a great goal to have."

"I know, right?" George beamed over his shoulder, and Dream caught his eye. His dark hair was pushed back from his forehead, and the beginnings of a stubble lined his jaw after days of being unkempt. George's skin, pale and flawless as always, was stretched in a smile. There was a charming light in his eyes that left Dream just about speechless.

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