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Dream replied a few seconds later with a picture of Patches lying between his feet. The caption said no.

You jerk, George snapped back an image of himself rolling his eyes.

You'll see me soon enough, Dream replied with a winking emoji.

WhatEVER. We've been friends for a decade and I still haven't seen your face. Why's that?

George, you're literally going to see me in A WEEK. Just chill.

I know. My house is all packed up already. It's so empty.
I'm so lonely :(, he added.

Aww, poor George. Don't worry, we can cuddle when you get here :)

Oh, thank goodness. That really makes me feel better.

A minute later, Dream sent a short video of Sapnap shaking his head with a disappointed look. It looked like he was eating some orange chicken.

That looks so good :0, George replied. Give me some.

You didn't get any food yet? Dream asked with a picture of the back of Sapnap's head. On his monitor was what looked like Valorant, and George remembered that he was streaming on his alt account, probably with Punz.

At this point, George ditched sending pictures and started typing in chat. Nope. But Wilbur is coming to pick me up to get something.

Isn't it, like, 2 in the morning? Dream typed in response.

Yep. 1:56, actually.

Wow, that's nice of him. You need to get, like, another meal plan or something. You're always talking about having nothing to eat.

Or I could just... go to the store, I guess. Literally the only food in my fridge is ketchup and milk.

GEORGE. You know, the human body needs food to survive. Dream said.

George scoffed. What, really? I didn't know that, he shot back.



Suddenly there was a knock at George's door, and he stood up. Wilbur's here. Ttyl. He typed before turning off his phone, grabbing his wallet and answering the door. Wilbur was standing outside, wearing a half-annoyed expression with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, if it isn't George, calling me up at 2 in the morning for a burger. Can't you learn to drive yourself?" Wilbur asked as George closed the front door behind him.

"No! In case you haven't heard, they don't let me drive because I'm colorblind. It's annoying, I know," George shot back. Wilbur got in the driver's seat and George climbed in the passenger.

"Yeah, you are annoying," Wilbur agreed, backing out of the driveway.

"Hey, that's not what I said."

"It's what you meant."

"Whatever," George scoffed.

They continued talking on the way to the pub. Once they got there, they claimed a couple of the many empty seats and Wilbur ordered drinks. There was hardly anyone there because of the time, and the only guys in sight were playing some kind of drinking game in the back of the room, keeping mostly to themselves. George got himself a burger and devoured it hungrily.

"So, you and Dream were doing some PVP? Who else is on your team for MCC this month?"

"Tommy and Quackity," George replied.

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