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// 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 //

Dream was jolted awake by a loud ding and a woman's voice coming over the speakers on the plane. He blinked open his eyes as he listened to her explain that the plane would be landing in a few minutes. He yawned and looked out the window, noticing the dark star-filled sky and shining half-moon hanging in the air. He also noticed the six-hour time differential, and the nine hours of restless sleep wearing on his bones.

He was really in England.

He checked his phone and saw a message from Sapnap asking if he was there yet. He replied no. landing soon.

He also messaged George, letting him know that he would be at the airport in a few minutes. George replied almost instantly with, I'm on my way. Be there in about thirty minutes, so I hope I'm not late. Your plane is ahead of schedule.

That's alright, It'll probably take about that long to depart the plane and get my luggage. Cya soon.

Cya soon, George agreed.

Dream set down his phone and smiled softly. He was really going to see George, after years of joking with him about it and trolling people on the internet. He was finally going to see his best friend.

Maybe he could even tell him how he'd felt all that time. Obviously he already told him he loved him, but... did he really know? Dream never had the chance to tell him in person. He wondered what it would be like.

Well, he was soon to find out.

The plane touched down and came to a stop within the next few minutes, just like the woman on the loudspeaker had said. Dream gazed out the window the entire time, watching the ground grow closer and closer below and staring at the pretty lights of the city until the jet came to a stop and people began unloading their carriage.

Dream grabbed his stuff from the overhead compartment and exited the plane as quickly as he could. He was near the front, so that was easy enough.

He then went along, doing the mandatory things that people do once they land in a new country. His stomach grumbled angrily as he passed a delicious-smelling restaurant. He hadn't eaten since departure, so he was hungry. He figured he would end up getting some food with George, so he ignored the urge to get himself something.

Once he was done with everything; he had all his luggage, he was checked in to the new country, and he had gone through all the security checks necessary; he walked to the main area of the airport, where he assumed George would be waiting. People were everywhere, bustling around after the new landing. Dream scanned everyone as they passed, trying to spot George's familiar face. It took a few minutes.

Then, Dream spotted him.

He was standing in the middle of the room, hands wringing nervously as he searched through the the crowd, turning in a slow circle. He was pretty much facing the other way, but Dream didn't need to see his full face to know it was him.

George then looked down at his phone and typed something. A moment later, Dream felt his phone buzz with a notification, and looked down at it to see a message pop up. It said, where are you? I'm standing in the middle of the main room.

He felt his heart flutter and a warm grin spread across his face as he slid his phone into his pocket, no need to reply. There he was. This was really about to happen. They were finally going to meet.

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