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Dream looked away from George and turned back to Nick. Why would he be jealous? He must have been mistaken.

"Okay, well, it's my turn now," Nick stated. He faced the camera. "George, truth or dare?" He asked with a grin.

"Mmm..." George thought for a moment. "Truth," he eventually said.

"Alright, fine," Nick sighed. He sat still, a thoughtful hand caressing his chin. Finally his eyes navigated back to the camera and he smirked.

"Alright, George, I got a truth for you," Nick said with a smirk.

"Uh-oh," George muttered regretfully, running a nervous hand though his hair. Dream watched Nick intently, wondering what he was gonna say.

"Who's your favorite person here?" Sapnap asked with a smirk. George scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Obviously me," he answered, pointing to himself. "What kind of question is that?"

"Yeah, that was kind of a dumb question," Dream agreed.

"Oh, whatever. I don't know," Nick shrugged. "I thought you'd say Dream or something."

George and Dream exchanged glances. "Nick's being weird," Dream whispered to him, shielding his mouth from the camera so they couldn't see what he was saying.

"Definitely," George agreed.

The five of them continued playing truth or dare for a while, sometimes switching it up and playing would-you-rather and stupid stuff like that. Dream enjoyed hanging out with everyone. Though they were sometimes idiots, it was still a great experience to just mess around.

Eventually, the time ticked away, and Dream scoffed when he looked at the time and it read 5AM.

"Uhh... we should probably get to bed," Dream said to everyone, mostly aimed at George.

"Alright, goodnight," Nick wished them goodbye, and so did everyone else. Dream hung up the call.

The room went quiet. Dream looked at George, who was fiddling with his fake butterfly knife, twirling it around in circles and occasionally doing cool little tricks with it.

Dream wasn't sure exactly why; but he found it incredibly hot.

"You're pretty good at that," Dream commented as George did another trick with it.

"Thanks," George said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I guess after having nothing to do for weeks, you get good at little things like this," he added.

"I guess so," Dream agreed. "Is that what you do in your spare time? Fiddle with fake knives?"

"Sometimes," George nodded. "It's a fun way to pass the time."

George did another trick with it, and Dream couldn't tell if he was showing off or just practicing. Either way, it looked pretty cool.

After a couple of minutes, George set the knife down and Dream was broken from his trance of studying his movements, watching his hands work effortlessly. It was satisfying in a way.

"Didn't you say we should get to bed?" George asked as he stood and stretched after sitting on the floor for so long.

Dream got to his feet. "Uh- yeah," he blinked. "We probably should. It's already five AM," he muttered before yawning.

George yawned, too. "Alright. Let's go," he waved his hand and turned to go upstairs. Dream followed, unable to hide the grin on his face. He couldn't help but notice that George yawned directly after Dream had.

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