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// 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 //

Dream opened the door to the house, letting George in first before following him in. As he closed the door, a wave of warmth washed over him, and he sighed in relief.

"That was kind of cold," Dream said. The house was dark and silent except for the sounds of them removing their coats and hats.

"Yeah," George agreed simply. He hung up his coat and walked away towards the stairs. Dream watched him.

"Are you going to bed?" He asked.

"Yeah," George replied, not looking back as he climbed the stairs.

"Goodnight, then," Dream said.

"Night." George replied as he disappeared around the corner, and there was the sound of his door clicking closed. Dream stood in the entryway for a few seconds, feeling hurt but not really knowing why.

In a sort of daze, Dream hung up his coat and walked up to his room, closing the door and quietly making his way over to his bed. Without even removing his socks, he climbed into bed and laid on his back, staring at the ceiling while painfully aware that George was in the other room, probably doing the same.

Dream stared into darkness, the silence clogging his ears like cotton. His mouth felt dry and his chest felt as if there was a hole in it. He felt empty. Confused. Scared.

During the walk, he had sort of confessed his feelings to George; who in turn, didn't really seem to care. He hadn't responded how Dream imagined he would. He thought George would understand; maybe even agree, or best case scenario, confess something of his own. But instead, George didn't say anything. Somehow that was ten times worse than anything else he could've possibly said.

After the small; yet significant; confession, George didn't speak much for the rest of the walk. This is what was making Dream nervous.

Dream was worried that he might've just ruined his entire friendship. It was possible that after all that time; all those years they spent flirting, joking around about shit like this; George had been just joking. It was possible that he never really liked Dream, or thought about 'kissing him.'

Was it possible that George had been faking it; leading him on for some reason? Did he just think of him as a friend? Had Dream made him uncomfortable by saying those things; about the kissing, and the 'liking'?

On one hand, he knew George was a very tough guy. He rarely expressed himself. He always laughed at the things that might've made others uncomfortable, or annoyed. You really had to know him if you wanted to understand his emotions.

But on the other hand; and with Dream's anxiety chiming in; maybe George never really had feelings for him, like Dream had suspected. Hoped. Maybe George was just joking about it all. Maybe he was just... faking it for the views, or something.

Instantly after thinking these thoughts, Dream scowled at himself. "Shut up," he muttered to his stupid little intrusive thoughts. 'George would never do that. I know him better than anyone. He's my best friend, no matter what. No matter how he feels; romantic or whatever; he's still been my friend even before social media. There's no way he has been faking it for this long.'

'Plus, he even flirts with me OFF camera. Why would he do that if it wasn't real?'

But then Dream remembered the things that just happened. How he asked George jokingly about the kissing; George said no, reversed the question; and then Dream told him that he has liked him for years. George had then proceeded to completely shut him down. "I never really thought about it that way." His words still haunted Dream's mind.

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