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"Come on, let's get you warmed up," George said as he dragged Dream into the kitchen by his wrist. Dream was only a little worried about his hands, which he couldn't feel. They were tingling, but he couldn't feel anything he touched. It was a weird and unfamiliar sensation.

George sat Dream down at the kitchen counter before walking into the living room and grabbing a blanket from the couch to give to him.

"Thanks," Dream said quietly, feeling a little embarrassed. He was just realizing now how dumb he must've looked, making a snowman all by himself out there; a grown ass man rolling balls of snow and stacking them on top of each other in the middle of a snowstorm. He understood why George seemed a little annoyed right now.

"You do realize how dumb you looked out there, right?" George voiced Dream's inner monologue, a snitch of amusement finding it's way into his voice. Dream relaxed a little bit, glad to hear some sort of emotion other than annoyance or confusion out of him. He scoffed.

"I was just thinking about that, actually," Dream answered truthfully, slowly unfolding the blanket to wrap around himself. He was having some trouble moving his fingers in a functional manner, so he ended up dropping the blanket a couple of times. George didn't let on that he noticed.

"Never in my life have I seen someone building a snowman without gloves. Oh my god, when I saw you weren't wearing any, I just about flipped," George chuckled breathily as he reached into the pantry and grabbed some hot-cocoa mix. And when Dream laughed, the ice between them was just about broken.

"I couldn't find any," Dream repeated with a snicker. He cursed lowly as he dropped the stupid blanket again. "I can't move my fucking hands," he muttered frustratedly, huffing.

"Great, you gave yourself frostbite, idiot," George said as he set the packet of chocolate down and walked around the counter to help Dream. Apparently he had noticed that he was struggling.

George grabbed the blanket from Dream's hands and unfolded it in one swift motion before laying it over Dream. "There you go. Now sit still and let me make you some hot chocolate," he ordered with a mocking glare.

"Fine," Dream surrendered before sitting back in the seat, glad for the newfound warmth. He was glad that George was here to take care of him; but at the same time, it was a new feeling. He wasn't used to being taken care of. Usually he was the one giving all the caring.

Not to say he wasn't enjoying it. It was since to be on the receiving end once in a while.

"You couldn't have just waited for me to wake up? I could've told you that my parents have extra warm stuff downstairs," George asked as he resumed making the warm drink.

"I dunno, I was just bored, and the snow looked really fun, so... I went out there," Dream said with a smirk at the end. "I know, I sound like a little kid," he added as George scoffed.

"Yeah you do," George agreed as he poured the contents of the little pouch into a mug before filling it with milk. "I just wake up to see Dream out my window, taking his hat off and putting it on a fricking snowman. In the middle of a snowstorm. I was like, 'oh my god, this guy is crazier than I thought,'" George mused, and Dream laughed.

"I can imagine how dumb it seems, but it was a 'very' special moment to me. I built my first snowman!" Dream exclaimed sarcastically, grinning.

"Mhm, sure," George said as he placed the mug in the microwave. Dream watched him for a moment, giving himself a moment to think.

He wondered if George was going to say anything about last night. One of the real reasons Dream had gone outside was because he felt numb after that terrifying conversation they had only hours before. The one where George practically rejected him after Dream confessed some of his feelings.

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