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// 𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 //

Dream looked at him.

George paused.

"Well, what is it?" Dream asked quietly. "I've already told you how I feel about you. There's nothing I want more than to be with you. To 'date' you. I think about you every day... and I believe dating would simply further our relationship."

"I think being able to say that 'I'm dating you' would be a better description to how I feel than 'I'm best friends with you'. Because I want to do what couples do... with you."

Dream paused, and George listened quietly. He tried to keep his face stoic as to not give away his emotions, but he was sure Dream could see right through his little act.

George paused for a moment. Should I say it?

Dream obviously agrees. I should just say it.

He moved his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He gritted his teeth frustratedly and blinked. Why did sharing his emotion have to be so damn difficult?

George exhaled. Say it. Just SAY it.

"Dream... I want to be with you," he stated, rushing the words out to not stop himself. "Yes. I want to date you. I want to go out with you, and tell everyone that we're dating, and not feel weird when I flirt with you. And I want to... kiss you..." George spilled, saying the last part a little quietly.

Immediately after, he felt as though a huge boulder had been lifted from his chest. He felt a lot freer as he looked into Dream's eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

He didn't have to wonder for long, though. Because not a moment after, Dream smiled and let out a short breath of... relief? George wasn't quite sure, but he thought it looked like relief. Dream's shoulders dropped a little, as if finally relaxing after being tensed up.

"I was hoping you'd say that," he said, flashing that warm smile that George loved. Dream stood up and held out his hand for George to take. "Come on. I wanna give you that gift I've been talking about."

George hesitantly took his hand, a smile twitching at his lips. "I thought you said it was getting delivered in the mail," he reflected as Dream pulled him to his feet and, not letting go of his hand, began leading him upstairs.

"Yeah, it got here a few minutes ago," Dream said slyly. George furrowed his eyebrows in a look of confusion; but he didn't have much time to think about it, because in a few seconds Dream had stopped and was motioning for George to stand in the doorframe to his room. "Here, you can see it from here," he said, moving so that he was behind George to let him look.

George peered into Dream's room for a moment before blinking and scoffing doubtfully. "If this is some kind of joke, it's not funny," he said flatly.

"Look up," Dream said simply from behind him. George looked up at the portion of wall above the door and let out a short laugh when he spotted what Dream was talking about; a small mistletoe, taped to the wall with clear tape.

"Did you put that there?" George asked with a scoff, pointing at the little red-and-green plant. Dream nodded, letting out a breathy chuckle.

"I guess we have to kiss now," Dream said, and when George looked at him, he was grinning. George bit his lip as Dream stepped closer, a smile in his eyes.

"I guess so," George breathed quietly. He was sure Dream could hear his heart because it was racing so fast.

George pulled Dream into the room and closed the door, both smiling. It was dark, the only light coming from the window by the bed; and even that was limited because it was getting later into the evening and the sun was starting to go down.

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