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Sometime late that night, George and Dream hung up with Nick, Karl, and Quackity. The five of them had been talking for a while; Dream didn't know exactly how long, because time seemed to be flying the longer they stayed on call. Karl and Quackity had joined a while after Dream called Nick back.

They ended up talking somewhat casually; telling stories about each other, and what's happened so far, all while sharing news. George had taken it upon himself to tell everyone that he and Dream were getting flights to Florida. Everyone was stoked to hear that. Dream was excited to meet Karl and Quackity; especially after hearing the stories they were telling about each other. They sounded hilarious.

Now alone with George, however, Dream knew that there were some things to be said... that weren't so hilarious.

"Do you want some, uh... tea?" Dream asked after watching George flip his butterfly knife for a minute. He was in the middle of pulling off a tricky combination when Dream spoke, and he paused to look at him, confusion clouding his face. Slowly, it melted into a small smile.

"Um... It's ten o'clock," he replied, almost like a warning. Dream shrugged.


George raised his eyebrows and gave a shrug of his own. "Sure. Why not."

Dream smiled and stood from the couch, running a hand through his hair as he made his way to the kitchen. He pulled the kettle from its designated place under the counter, filled it with warm tap, and set it on the stove. He enjoyed making tea; though he didn't entirely love the taste of it, he was amused by the sound of the air whistling out the top when it was ready, and the esthetic elements of pouring it into little teacups. It made him feel sophisticated. Plus, George liked it; so it was a win-win.

Dream leaned himself against the counter after turning on the stove. He was facing opposite from George, chewing the inside of his cheek and tapping fingers on the stone beneath his palms. Why is my heart beating so fast? I'm just going to talk to him. It's not like I haven't talked to him before.

I should just clear up what he wants from me. Does he want a relationship? If so, does he want to tell everyone? Does he want me to act like we are? Or does he want to... hide it?

Dream found himself frowning at the last idea. He didn't want to hide it; he wasn't ashamed of being in a relationship with another guy. But if George wasn't fully comfortable yet, he would force himself to be okay with it. Because he didn't want to pressure George into doing anything he didn't want to do; and he definitely didn't want to lose him. He couldn't lose him.

Especially since George's dad was so discouraging towards his sexuality, it would make sense if he didn't feel comfortable being in an open relationship with another guy. Because until he is able to work himself out, and really come to an understanding of how he feels, he'll never be able to really open up. He'll never truly feel happy with himself.

I can only help so much with that. I can stick with him, and be patient, and supportive; I can be all the things he needs me to be. But he still needs to break down his own walls, bit by bit, and figure out who he truly wants to be. Who George wants to be. Not who George's dad wants him to be, or who the internet wants him to be. How George feels he should be.

This is bigger than just me - and us - right now. This is George's life here; his sexuality, past trauma, and even future as a whole. I can't rush it.

Dream sunk his teeth into the warm flesh of his cheek.

But I also can't just sit in silence.

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