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// 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓉 //

// 𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 //

Dream and George walked down the busy sidewalk, shoulder-to-shoulder, both wearing masks, sunglasses, and hats to hide their identities in case any fans were walking by. It was a chilly London day, with the wind nipping at their noses and puddles from the recent rain splashing underfoot.

Dream took the time to carefully walk around them, while George deliberately jumped in every other one he saw, laughing at Dream's reaction each time.

"Stop, you're splashing me!" Dream would complain. Or, "you're going to soak yourself," he would mutter. George giggled each time.

"You should join me!" He would always reply.

"Yeah, right," Dream would say, then proceed to give some detailed explanation to why he was not going to jump into a puddle. George would roll his eyes every time.

They were in the heart of London, walking down the streets in search of stores to shop at. Their goal was to find Christmas gifts for everyone.

Eventually they walked into a cute little souvenir shop with an old lady at the register. "Good afternoon, gentlemen!" She exclaimed as if she'd never seen a customer before. "Have a look around! Let me know if you find something you like!"

"Thanks, we will," Dream said kindly in response, and George gave her a nod as well. They walked around, passing hoodies, keychains, and other small trinkets. Eventually George came across a red shirt with an image of Santa Claus, big words printed 'I do it for the Ho's' on the front. He laughed and showed it to Dream.

"Should we get this for Sapnap?" George asked with a smirk, and a giggle as Dream instantly nodded.

"Absolutely," Dream said, and they both chuckled. George threw the shirt over his forearm and they continued shopping.

Suddenly Dream pulled out a black cat-ears headband from nowhere, holding it in front of George.

"I think I'll get this for you," he said, holding it up to his eyes as if seeing what George would look like wearing them.

"No, thanks," George said. "I don't want it," he added, waving his hand for Dream to put it away.

"No, no, I think you do," he replied with a grin.

"Nope. You can put that back. I'm not wearing it," George insisted, turning to walk away. "Just because you see people on the internet asking me to wear stuff like that doesn't mean I'm going to."

"Oh come on, you're just going to deny my Christmas present?" Dream asked, sniffling sadly.

"Yep," George confirmed with a nod, glancing over his shoulder to see Dream putting the ears back with a smirk.

"Worth a try," Dream said, following George.


They ended up leaving the shop with a few gifts for Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, and Bad. The whole time while walking around, George was scanning the shelves for something to get for Dream. Unfortunately, he hadn't found anything. He was a little nervous. He had no idea what to get.

They entered another store, but this one was something of a mall. There were several small shops inside, many of which George didn't pay any mind to because they were selling cologne, or dress-suits, or women's clothing. Lots of women's clothing.

Dream and George walked around for a while, randomly pointing at things and laughing or chasing each other as they ran to look at different things. Most of the time was spent talking and messing around, making scenes before running away or pretending to want to buy stupid stuff. They also slapped an unhealthy amount of mannequins.

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