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// 𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 //

George opened his eyes and sighed. He had been laying in bed for about an hour now, just staring at the back of his eyelids and not being able to sleep. He wasn't even tired; but he didn't have anything better to do. Finally he convinced himself to get up and swung his feet out of bed before taking a step towards his door.

Blood rushed to his brain and black spots danced in his vision. His legs bucked underneath him and he fell hard, catching himself on the door frame at the last second. He blinked his eyes furiously, waiting for the feeling to pass.

When it finally did, he pulled himself upright and sighed. Maybe I should eat something, he thought to himself before slowly making his way downstairs, careful in case the dizziness returned.

George walked to the kitchen and searched the cabinets for something to eat. He came across some ramen and emptied the noodles into a bowl before filling it with water and setting it in the microwave for three minutes. As that cooked, he searched the fridge for some much-needed protein. He found some lunch meat and cheese in a drawer and put some of each on a small plate.

Once the ramen was done, he brought the meal to the couch to eat while he watched a movie. He turned on some kind of Netflix special before grabbing a few pillows and blankets from under the coffee table and surrounding himself with the fuzziest ones.

As he ate, he began to hear his phone ringing from his bedroom. Suddenly he remembered that the other day, he and Dream had a conversation over phone; and then Dream booked himself a plane ticked to London. George removed the blankets from around himself and stood slowly to refrain from falling over.

He quickly retrieved his phone, but as he flipped it over, he realized he was a second too late; the call had already ended. He called Dream back and held the phone to his ear. It only took a few seconds for him to answer.

"Hey," he said from the other end of the line. George could hear talking in the background, as if he was somewhere public.

"Hey, Dream," George replied. "What did you call me about?" He asked, walking slowly back downstairs.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm boarding the plane now. Also, I wanted to ask what the plan was for when I got there. Are you going to meet me at the airport, or will I need to call an Uber to bring me to your house?" Dream asked. George pursed his lips, thinking of what he wanted to do.

"I'll probably meet you at the airport," he said. "But that won't be for, like, 9 hours, right? Isn't that how long the flight is?" He asked.

"Yep, nine and-a-half hours on a plane. I can't wait," Dream said unenthusiastically. George scoffed as he re-immersed himself in his pile of blankets.

"Rather you than me," he joked.

"Of course," Dream agreed with a scoff. "Anyway, how are you doing today? Feeling any better?" He asked.

"Yeah, actually, I am," George replied truthfully. "I haven't had anything to drink, and I had some ramen, pork, and cheese for lunch."

"Good! I'm glad to hear that," Dream said, sounding like he really meant it. "Make sure to drink some water, too," he suggested, and George smirked.

"Alright," he agreed.

"I can't believe I'm actually on my way to finally see you right now," Dream said excitedly. George smiled.

"I know, right? It doesn't seem real," he mused. "I'm finally going to know what you look like," he added with a grin.

"I hope you won't be too disappointed," Dream joked.

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