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George sat in the hospital chair beside his mother's bed, just as he had done what seemed like a hundred times before. Dream was sitting in the corner, head propped up with his arm as he leaned back in the chair, legs stretched out and eyes drooping. George thought he might just fall asleep.

George was busy gently rubbing circles in his mom's hand with his thumb, talking to her every so often, dread with seeing her like this set like a stone in his gut. The doctors hadn't reported any more improvement since he last saw her. It was the same with his father; whom he had never been as close with, but still loved just the same. He was worried sick for the both of them, and though he didn't show it, they were always on his mind.

"I've told you about Dream before, haven't I?" George continued quietly. He was currently in the middle of catching her up on what was happening recently. "Well, even if I haven't, you've watched my videos before, so you know who he is," he added. "Anyway, he came to visit me yesterday, which was a great surprise. He's staying at the house with me. He helps a lot," George said, glancing at Dream. He noticed his eyes were closed and his breath was coming in soft snores. He smiled softly.

"He's pretty stubborn," George mused to his mom, whom he wasn't sure could hear him anyway. "But he's great. He keeps me going. Some days, he's the only reason I get out of bed, or eat a meal, or drink some water. He's persistent and annoying, but... a great friend, nonetheless."

It felt normal saying he word 'friend' in George's mouth, as he was accustomed to thinking it like that; but as he said it, he felt a frown tug at his mouth. Was Dream just a friend? Was that how he thought about him; how they were meant to be? He sighed at the thought.

"I'm lucky to have him," George practically whispered, looking across the room at Dream, eyes filled with affection.


After a while, George stood, figuring it was about time to leave. He walked over to Dream and placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently.

Dream blinked open his eyes and winced as he moved his head to look up at George.

"Ready to go?" George asked, wearing a small smile as Dream self-consciously wiped the accumulation of drool from his chin.

"Uh- yeah. Sorry, I must've fallen asleep," Dream added. As he turned his head to stand up, he grimaced painfully. "Ugh, I did not sleep on that chair very well," he growled, rubbing his neck.

"It's fine. I knew you were tired," George said. "No human-being can withstand a nine hour plane ride across the world, wake up early, and then do stuff the next day without being exhausted."

"Yeah, well, who said I was human?" Dream asked playfully, stretching and giving a yawn.

"I dunno," George shrugged. "Do you want me to call your mom and ask her?" He joked.

"Go ahead. She'll tell you I'm actually a... vampire. I don't need sleep to survive," he said, narrowing his eyes with a smirk.

"Riight," George said, stretching out the 'i'.

They both snickered as they exited the hospital room, George proceeding to hound down an Uber while Dream got himself some coffee from the lobby.

Once their car arrived, they both rushed across the pavement outside in an attempt to avoid the rain that was showering from the dark, heavy clouds. Quickly, they jumped into the back seat together. The car was small and cold, and the driver; some tiny old man who looked no younger than 80; either didn't hear them when he was asked to turn on the heat, or he was ignoring them.

"I'm freezing over here," Dream said pointedly, staring at the driver in front of him. The old man didn't even react to his words.

"Me, too. I sure wish it were warmer in here," George added loudly, hands wrapped around himself in an attempt to conserve heat. Still no reaction from the driver. Dream and George exchanged frustrated looks before eventually giving up and sulking in silence.

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