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Two days passed, and not a word was uttered about the subject.

Dream had decided quickly that he was going to wait for George to bring it up. He didn't want to push it or make either of them feel uncomfortable.

His best bet was to just wait.

It was a little concerning, however, that George hadn't responded the next day like Dream was expecting. He said he would 'sleep on it.' That usually meant only one night, right?

He was willing to give George time. He was also aware that he might not ever get a reply. Maybe George had no intentions of dating him, or even responding to him.

He just hoped they still remained friends.

Within the span of the two days, they still talked casually. They laughed. Joked. Sometimes Dream could even forget that they had the conversation at all.

But then he remembered, and he would be left with that empty feeling in his chest yet again.

He told Nick what happened, and he was nothing but sympathetic. He congratulated Dream for finally getting his feelings out, and also told him 'don't sweat it.'

Nick sounded so confident that George would reply. He sounded so confident that George would still want to be friends with him, if not, something more.

Dream appreciated his confidence; but when he eventually had to hang up with him, he would be left feeling uncertain yet again.

Yesterday, Karl touched down in Florida. He and Nick were having a great time so far. Quackity was arranged to get there sometime tonight, and when he did, there were plans for the three of them to get on a call with Dream and George and play some games.

Now, Dream sat in the living room, scrolling through TikTok as he waited for George to finish the laundry so he could resume the movie they were watching.

All of his foryou page was filled with Christmas stuff.

Christmas Eve was tomorrow. That was the day that Dream and George agreed to exchange the gifts. He was excited; and also a little nervous that George might not like his gift, especially after the events that were happening.

The ground outside was covered in a thick layer of white after the recent blizzard. George and Dream had both enjoyed the snow a few times, simply by walking around outside or messing around in the front yard, throwing snowballs at each other or playing fetch with the dog.

They also visited George's parents twice over the past two days. They weren't getting any better, unfortunately. This had taken a toll on George's mood, even with Dream there to comfort him the best he could.

Even while comforting him, Dream tried to refrain from touching George in any physical way; not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't know how he would react.

Now that George knew Dream had feelings for him other than just 'friends,' he didn't know if he would appreciate being touched. He knew George never really liked physical touch, anyway.

Finally, George emerged from the basement stairs with a sigh. He walked over to the couch and plopped down in his previous spot on the opposite end of the couch from Dream.

Dream set his phone down. "Ready?" He asked, remote in hand.

"Yeah, you can unpause it," George replied with a glance at him.

Dream unpaused the movie and heaved a sigh. He was bored, but had no idea what to do so he kept it to himself. He assumed George was bored, too, since his attention span was about as short as his own; if not, shorter.

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