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Throughout the process, George came across a few funny moments that he laughed about with Dream before editing out. Dream also helped him with suggesting the music choices and was his second opinion when it came to the decision whether he should delete a clip or not.

In no time, George was done, and he bid Dream goodbye so he could go to the store.

The remainder of the day was spent buying groceries and putting them away in his house before making himself a small pizza for dinner.
When the oven timer went off, he grabbed the pizza with an oven mitt and pulled it out before setting it on the counter. He fished a pizza slicer from the drawer and cut it into sixths before sliding two onto a plate and heading to his room to eat.

George sat down at his desk and sighed, shifting his mouse slightly to wake up his screen. He decided to check YouTube, and scrolled through his recommended videos to find a thumbnail with he, Dream, and Sapnap all standing next to one another. It was photoshopped from Dream and Sapnap's Halloween pictures, and a screenshot from George and Wilbur's Vlog stream.

George couldn't help but smirk at the title. "10 Reasons Why George Is In Florida."

"Soon enough," he muttered to himself before moving on.

The next video he took notice to was one with fanart of him and Dream kissing in the thumbnail. The title was "Dream flirting with George for 15 minutes straight". George scoffed and took a bite of his pizza, his mouse hovering over the video. He'd never felt inclined to watch a video like this, as they all seemed stupid, but... he was feeling weird today.

He didn't stop himself as his finger pressed down on the mouse and a nearly inaudible 'click' emitted from his hand.

George watched the clips, wearing a smirk the entire time. He slowly ate his pizza, chuckling every so often while re-living the memories being projected on the screen. George was enjoying it. He even blushed a few times.

About half-way through the video, he was interrupted by a call from Dream through Discord. He quickly closed out of the video, heart beating faster than usual. Why was he nervous? He picked up Dream's call.

"Hey, Dream," he said after a moment. His face was hot, and he was sure he was red. He was glad Dream couldn't see him, or he would've asked why he was blushing.

"Sup, Georgie," Dream said. "Did you get your groceries?"

George frowned at the screen. Did he really just call him 'Georgie?'

"Yeah, my kitchen is stocked now. Thanks for asking. I even got apples. Apples are delicious."

"Apples are good," Dream agreed. "So, what were you doing before I called you? You picked up faster than usual," Dream asked after a moment. George hesitated, blanking as he tried to think of what to say.


George couldn't just tell him that he was watching a YouTube video about all the times they had flirted with one another. That would be kinda weird, right?

"Hm?" Dream pried.

"Nothing," George eventually decided on.

"Oh, come on now, George. You can tell me," he continued.

"Uh, no. The answer is 'nothing,'" he stated firmly. Dream snickered.

"Come on, just tell me," he coaxed. "I'll tell you what I was doing, if it makes you feel better."

"Sure, go ahead. But I'm not telling you."

"Well, I was cleaning up the guest bedroom so you can have somewhere nice to sleep when you get here. I think your room is even nicer than mine," he said with a scoff at the end.

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