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// George //


George climbed into the warm car, maneuvering his way across the seats until he was in his spot at the other side. Dream lowered himself in after him, cautiously seating himself and reaching for the door to close it. As he grabbed the handle, however, George noticed the pained expression in his face as he pulled it shut; as if it hurt to use his hand.

As soon as the door was shut, the driver shifted the car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot. "Where to?" He asked. The headlights reflected red off a stop sign as the car slowed to a halt, and images flashed in George's mind again of the man's crimson blood splattering the floor under Dream's knuckles.

George recited the address to him, newly-engraved into his mind after having repeated it so many times. His voice was quiet and slow with lingering shock, and he was forced to repeat it before the guy heard him correctly and was able to plug the numbers into his map.

The car grew silent.

George buckled his seatbelt and watched serenely as Dream struggled to do the same, his hands moving at awkward angles and some fingers even refusing to bend. George tried to get a good look at his knuckles to assess the damage, but they were well-hidden in the dark car.

Dream finally managed to complete the elemental task in about three-times the amount of time it normally should have taken.

George looked absently out the window.

Lights and cars and glinting road signs passed outside, illuminated against the darkness that had engulfed world around them. The moon wasn't even up tonight.

The air was deafeningly silent and stagnant without airflow. The only sound in George's ears was that of the car motor humming below him, vibrating comfortingly whenever the driver accelerated. It was a calm, almost peaceful ambience after the loud, stressful, frankly shocking events that had unfolded in the bathroom.

George wondered vaguely if Dream could get in trouble for beating a guy and leaving like that. He hoped the bar didn't have very good cameras. He hoped nobody got hurt too severely, or pressed charges, or came looking for them.

He hoped a lot of things as he sat there, silent, staring out the window at the strangely mundane-seeming world outside.


The rest of the ride passed smoothly. They arrived at the house and George paid the driver using Dream's wallet; which he had to dig out of his pocket, seeing as his hands were a little too fucked to do it himself. The man gave a nod and drove off as George led the way inside.

He unlocked the door and held it open for Dream, who was cradling his hands in the crook of his stomach, wearing an expressionless face. George watched him curiously, shutting and locking the door before removing his jacket and shoes. Both still quiet.

Dream heaved a heavy sigh before moving his arms to try to remove his jacket, movements slow and pained and jerky with the effort. He couldn't quite move his fingers enough to get through the sleeves fitted around his wrists.

George watched this agonizing display for almost a full minute before finally caving and offering his help.

"No, I'm fine," Dream insisted flatly. George heaved an audibly annoyed sigh, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my god," he huffed sharply as he walked over to Dream and grabbing one of the sleeves, pulling gently and allowing Dream to retract his arm from the leathery casing. He looked pained and embarrassed as George helped him remove the coat.

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