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Dream propped himself against the wall, heaving himself to his feet before holding out his hand to help George up. "Come on. I think your sisters are talking without you," he said. Taylor and Grace were exchanging words across the room, both holding their phones in their hands. George looked up at him for a moment before taking his hand and allowing himself to be pulled up.

"That'd be fine, honestly. I don't think they'd listen to any of my suggestions, anyway," George huffed as Dream led him over.

"That's not true. They care about you, I can tell," Dream said surely.

"That doesn't mean they respect me," George retorted, and Dream shut his mouth after that. He didn't know what it was like to be the youngest sibling, but it didn't seem very fun. They walked over to the girls and faced them inquisitively.

"Well, what time did you figure out?" George asked, arms crossed over his torso.

"One week from today at noon. I snatched the closest one I could, because Grace and I have to be back home as soon as possible," Taylor informed him.

"We have important Lawyer business to attend to," Grace added with a nod.

"Oh, I'm sure," George agreed with a sarcastic smirk. "So very important. You mean you have some rich people to talk trash about?" He asked, and Grace shot him a mock glare.

"No! It is very important and interesting. You wouldn't understand, though, because you play a video game for a living," she snorted, holding her hand out to him and turning her head away in a gesture that said 'don't talk to me.'

"Yeah, I play a video game and probably bank more in one month than you do in a year," George shot at her.

"Mhm. I'm sure you do," Grace nodded sarcastically. "That's why you can't afford any humor, huh? Dry-ass punk," she snapped.

"Ooh," Dream couldn't help but chime in with a grin.

"Exactly," George nodded. "And that must be why you're still single, because you're so annoying. I don't know how anyone could stand you," he snorted. Grace took a step back, face wearing an expression of livid shock.

"How dare you," she breathed. "That's too far."

"Okay, yeah, sorry. Too far," George agreed at the same time. Then they both laughed, the energy filling the room screaming 'chaos.'

"Okay, you two, quit messing around," Taylor scolded after a moment, though a small smile was creeping through her usually impassive expression. "We have a few things to talk about for the funeral. First of all, Grace, how many people will be attending?" She asked.

"At least thirty," Grace replied. "Those were the ones I could get a hold of, anyway."

"Okay, that's a good amount. I was thinking we do a potluck sort of thing, so make sure to tell everyone about that. George, would you be a dear and pick up some plates and balloons or something? Party stuff." Taylor asked politely.

George blinked. "Um... balloons?" he repeated. "Isn't this a funeral?"

"Yeah. Black is fine."

"Um... okay."

"Okay, perfect. Then the only thing left to do is purchase the coffin. Grace and I will take care of that," Taylor finished with a nod of her head. Grace clapped her hands triumphantly.

"Great!" She exclaimed. "Wow, I just love planning stuff. Don't you?" She asked, facing George and Dream.

"Uh- yeah, it's great," Dream gave a nod.

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