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George woke the next morning to static noise emitting from his phone. He blinked his eyes open and took in a deep breath, noticing the sun shining from his window. It was probably around noon. He turned his head and looked at his phone, wondering what that noise had been.

Suddenly he remembered that he had fallen asleep while still on a call with Dream. A small smile crept onto his face as he slowly reached for his phone and turned it over.

"Dream?" George said quietly. He was sure he heard him moving - as that was the reason why he woke up - but he hadn't said anything.

"'Morning, George," Dream's voice came from the other end of the call. His voice was deep and raspy; he sounded like he had just woken up. George had heard that voice many times before, but it still gave him shivers down his neck.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked, though he already knew the answer. He just wanted to hear Dream talk again.

"Yeah. Sorry, did I wake you?" He replied through a yawn.

"Yeah, but It's fine. I would have probably gotten up soon, anyway."

"Alright," Dream said. "Anyway, what were you doing last night before I called you?" He asked, a grin creeping into his voice. George scoffed and shook his head.

"I was watching a YouTube compilation of all the times you flirted with me," he answered truthfully before laughing. Dream took a moment to process that before laughing as well. He sounded confused.

"What?" He laughed, and George laughed in embarrassment. "What the heck, George!" Dream chuckled. "Why were you trying to keep that a secret? That's funny."

"Uh, I don't know. I knew you'd laugh at me," George replied.

"They don't even know how much we flirt off-camera," he mused.

"Er..." George chuckled. "Yeah."

The two continued laughing about it, Dream mostly just teasing George, until he decided to get up. Bringing his phone with him, he went to the kitchen and poured himself his daily bowl of cereal. With a glance at the oven clock, he realized it was already 2 in the afternoon.

"Mm, are you going to make yourself toast again?" George asked after taking his first bite.

"Probably. It's only eight in the morning, so not right now."

"That's a normal time to eat."

"I'm not really hungry right now."

George paused. He heard that one before.

"Do you want me to call Nick and have him make you some food?" George asked pointedly.

"No, I'm—"

"It's breakfast time, Dream! Get out of bed," he ordered, and with a groan, Dream sat up and swung his feet out of bed. George could tell by the noise.

"Finee," Dream complained, and there was the faint sound of footsteps and a door opening.

George took another bite of his cereal before going back to his bed and plugging his phone in to his nightstand. He heard faint kitchen noises as Dream made the toast. When he was done, he went back to his room, leaving Sapnap watching a movie alone in the living room.

Once they were both done with their meals, they decided to play a game of PVP. George powered up his computers and set his phone on the desk, listening to Dream talk about something random. He wasn't really paying attention, and when Dream finished and paused, waiting for him to say something, he panicked and said, "mm, yeah."

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