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Dream nodded slightly. "Yeah. I am, George," he confirmed with a serious expression. George's gaze flitted away, and he blinked, looking thoughtful.

His hand was still covering his mouth, so Dream didn't know what that meant. Was he embarrassed? Flattered? Dream had no idea.

"Yesterday, when I told you I've 'liked you for a long time,' that was the truth. Except I don't just like you. I... love you," Dream said, trying his best not to be awkward.

The word love felt weird in his mouth; but it was the only one that could even begin to sum up how he felt about George.

George stayed quiet. He looked like he was contemplating his entire existence. Dream's anxiety grew with each passing second. What is he thinking?

I finally let the stupid cat out of the bag. Not like it wasn't obvious, anyway. We literally flirt with each other all the time. Everyone noticed it.

So why is he being so damn quiet?

"What are you thinking?" Dream blurted once the silence was becoming too overbearing. George looked at him.

"Do you... like me, too?" Dream asked quietly. He was probably blushing. He felt like a little schoolgirl, confessing her crush to some random guy. Except George wasn't random. They'd known each other for years.

Dream didn't know if that made it better or worse that he wasn't saying anything.

"I..." George started. He looked at Dream. "I thought you'd never say it," he stated flatly.

Dream shuffled anxiously. "So... you knew?" He asked. "You knew I liked you?"

"Of course I knew," George said before scoffing. "It's the most obvious thing in the world."

"Really," Dream said flatly. George nodded.

Dream scoffed. "Well, what if you were doing the same things? Would that mean you... feel the same way?" He asked cautiously.

George held his gaze for a moment. A small smile suddenly spread across his face. Dream felt compelled to smile, too, though he was still nervous.

"Yeah," George finally spoke before biting his lip.

Dream's lips parted and he smiled. "Really?" He said, sitting up a little straighter. George nodded, smiles reaching both of their eyes.

"Wait, really?" Dream asked again, almost in disbelief. George nodded again.

"Yes. Really, idiot. I like you."

"Oh my god- that's..." Dream started tripping over himself. "That's great!" he exclaimed. Dream stood up, almost impulsively. He felt like jumping around like a little kid. "What? Thats actually amazing."

"I thought we'd never get this far," he confessed as George stood up, too. He was pacing now, completely unaware that he was even doing it.

"I mean— we've been friends for forever. I can't believe you feel the same way about me," Dream rambled. His heart was in his throat and he couldn't believe himself.

After all those nights he spent fretting, pondering what George would say; worrying he would turn him down or reject his friendship; he couldn't believe George actually felt the same way.

"I mean, this could've been over with sooner if you just said something," George pointed out. "I was never gonna be the one to say it first, but... you could have."

"Well, I mean... to be fair... I didn't know," Dream said, facing George now. "How was I supposed to know how you felt? I was scared enough to tell you. I didn't want to get... rejected," he said.

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