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George dragged Dream backwards into the shower, not allowing him a chance to look at him for very long. The both of them stepped past the glass door and under the hot water. For a moment it felt boiling hot against George's skin, but he soon grew used to it.

The shower was large and white, the marble tiles shining with mist; though it was somewhat dark because Dream had dimmed the lights. Steam curled around their skin and the air was thick with humidity. As the water washed over them, flattening their hair and running down each of their faces, Dream had his hands planted on George's mid-back, their faces still connected as they made out in a choppy, reckless kind of way.

After a few moments, Dream pulled away abruptly and hissed through his teeth. "This water is too hot," he breathed, turning to the nozzle and dialing it slightly towards the colder side. The temperature quickly adjusted, and he turned back to George hastily.

"You know what else is hot?" George asked lowly. He placed his hands on Dream's chest and pushed him backwards, up against the white tile wall. Dream exhaled as George pressed their bodies together, planting kisses on Dream's neck because that's all his height allowed him.

"No," Dream muttered, the guttural voice coming from deep in his throat and rumbling in George's eardrums. Dream ran a hand through George's wet hair, massaging his scalp for a moment before curving down to caress his neck and lift the base of his head upward. Dream craned his neck and bit George's lip, pulling on it gently. George kept his eyes closed and head tipped back, completely at Dream's mercy. He let out a soft moan as Dream affectionately pressed both of their lips together, making that smacking sound again when they disconnected once more for him to trail kisses across George's face to his ear.

George rested his forehead against Dream's collar bone as his lips traced his neck, biting and sucking gently on occasion. George's mouth was parted and eyes closed as water trailed down his face and dripped from his chin. He had no idea how much he'd been wanting this until it was actually happening. How much he'd been wanting Dream's lips on his, their hands all over each other, no hesitation to finally embrace their feelings and do to each other what they'd been dreaming about for so long.

It was probably the best feeling in the world.


George slid a black hoodie over his bare chest, pushing his damp hair from his face with a light sigh. His hands were pruney and soft after the long shower, and despite the aching pain in his body, he couldn't help but smile. Dream was in the other room, getting changed just as he was. George glanced at the mirror and his jaw dropped when he saw a couple of very noticeable hickeys on his neck. He poked at them tenderly, expecting them to hurt based on the deep purple color; but to his surprise, it didn't hurt at all.

He shook his head slightly, a smile tugging at his lips despite himself. Geez. Now everyone's gonna know about it. I guess my mom probably has some makeup or something that I can use to cover it up if we want to go out.

George exited the room in only boxers and a hoodie; which was oversized, so it covered his thighs for the most part, anyway. He crossed the hallway to Dream's room, where he knocked on the door lightly. "Come in," Dream's voice sounded from the other side, so George turned the doorknob and poked his head in.

Dream was already wearing black sweats and was in the middle of putting his shirt on, tugging the white V-neck over his head. George opened the door fully and stepped inside, eyes drooping with exhaustion. "Hurry up," George said warmly as he walked over to the bed and slid under the covers, enjoying the way the soft blanket felt against his waterlogged skin. Dream scoffed, his usual sandy hair now a darker, almost brownish color when damp with water. He shut the door before turning off the light. George clicked the lamp on so he could see.

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