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ㅤㅤMorning cold air breeze through the window , and cars passing can be heard from the outside . Today is Monday, the start of every week . Surely its a busy day of the week , and the day everyone hated.

But not for, Lee Haneul. She loves monday, because its beautiful. And because its the start of every week, and since its the start of the week, she appreciated it a lot.

She appreciated it, and thankful for it, since it means she can still wake up to see another day, another week and another Monday.

The more Monday she sees, the more she think she have a long lasting time to still be alive .

The day Monday is her favourite.

All of a sudden, she heard someone knocking on her door and then twist open the door knob . She turns her gaze to the door , and smile warmly seeing the doctor that always taken a good care of her.

“Morning Haneul dear” the doctor named, Kang Seulgi said.

“Morning doctor Kang, what are you doing here?” asked Haneul.

“Morning check ups! So how do you feel today?” Seulgi asked the young girl softly , as she took a seat near her.

“I feel perfectly alright today” Haneul replied with a smile, Seulgi nodded before writing down something on her notes. Then she check up Haneul temperature, heart beats state and also do a blood test.

“Your blood is on low state right now , how is it possible that you're alright? You are no good with lying Haneul”

Yes, shes right. Haneul is lying. The moment Haneul woke up, her head was hurting and she look very pale. She thought that , if she did stand up from her bed, she will fall unconscious right away -

So, when she woke up , she decided to just stay on her bed until her head stop feeling the dizziness.

“Eat this pill first , then i will send you, your breakfast” Seulgi said, as she hand Haneul the medicine and a glass of water before leaving the room.

Haneul sighed, and swallow down the pill with water. She knew there's no use to lie to a doctor. No matter how hard she try to act okay in front them, they always knew shes not okay.

She didn't want to burden them, nor to worry them. She knew its their work, but Haneul feel like she been such a burden staying in the hospital for a very long time.

She always think , that the doctors are tired to see her there. But of course , it's only 'the way she think', deep down she didn't really want the doctors to feel that way -

They didn't tired to see her there right?

Lee Haneul, a patient that stayed at the hospital for a long time. She's been staying there since she were 10 years old, now that she's 16, she's still stuck there.

She knew all the doctors, and nurses well . And even close with them all because she were here since she's a kid.

Haneul is actually sick. She's diagnosed with blood cancer, leukaemia when she were born. But it getting worst that she needed to be hospitalized.

She have suffered with it , but she used to it. Leukemia is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. In simple terms, cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.

Cancer can develop anywhere in the body. In leukemia, this rapid, out-of-control growth of abnormal cells takes place in the bone marrow of bones.

Leukemia itself can also cause anemia. As leukemia blood cells multiply rapidly, little room is left for normal red blood cells to develop. If your red blood cell counts drop too low, anemia can occur.

And thats why Haneul blood is on low state earlier. Leukaemia itself can cause another sickness. Which explains why Haneul could fall unconscious easily when she feels lightheaded.

Then again, the door on her room opened. She look up and thought it was Doctor Kang again , but instead its her big brother.

“Oh Heeseung oppa?” Haneul said as she couldn't believe seeing her brother visiting.

Its a rare sight to see her brother visiting, because he is always busy with studying, and busy with helping their parents that managing a restaurant.

The Lee's siblings parents owned a restaurant that well-known at this town. Which, Heeseung have to help them managing it since their parents are also getting old.

“Hello sis, sorry for rarely visiting you, im really busy lately. I came here to pay for your fees of staying and treatment for this month. So i decided to visit you . By the way, how are you? Is there any progressing to get cure?” He said and asked.

Haneul smiled but tears are pooling in her eyes .

“Im doing very well oppa, how about you?”

“Im really tired sis , but seeing you make me happy and so motivate now” Heeseung said with a smile .

“Oppa.. Am i burdening you?” Haneul asked out of sudden making Heeseung frowned.

“Sis, no. You didn't burden me, and never will-”

“But you're busy, yet you're here paying the fees. You're tired, i bet Eomma and Appa are also tired. All of you are tired because of working, busy all day because of working- and i feel so guilty that all the hardworks were used to pay for my fees” Haneul cries,

Heeseung sadly smile and went to hug her younger sister.

“No Haneul, you are the reason why we are strong, why we are motivate to work. Yes we may tired of working, we may busy of working, but please know that, you are the reason why we love working, why we so motivate to make such a money–

Please dont think that you're burdening us, because you're not. We all work for you, because we want your treatment to do well, we want to see you being healthy and all cure - that is our goal of working sis. We want to see you healthy, we don't care how long it took for you to cure, we will always here, waiting the day”

“When someone love you, they do anything for the love one. So remember that, we all love you so much, Lee Haneul” Heeseung comfort her sister, and caress her cheek softly.

He wipes away the tears that fall on Haneul cheek, and then kiss the top of her head.

“I leave now, please smile a lot Haneul-aa. We don't like seeing you sad, okay? ”

Haneul nodded and hug her brother again , before he leave the room.


Thank you for reading the first chapter ^~^ !! Im sorry if this book is not good enough, i will try my best to fix what's my mistake and wrong .

Have a good day, everyone ^_^

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