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ㅤThe lights beam inside the room 143. Lighting up the room, with the bright sunshine from the window . And there sit Lee Haneul on her bed, with her back leaning against the bed.

She was currently writing down something on her notebook , which was actually her diary. She wrote some things down, and then she stare outside the window, while biting the end of her pen.

Then she smile alone, and continue writing.

Haneul always write down something on her diary, its either on morning or night, happy or sad, feeling good or not, its all depends on her mood.

When she's sad, she will write down everything that she's been holding on inside, and everything that makes her sad. She doesn't have anyone to vent out her feelings, that's why she wrote it all on her diary.

When she's happy, she wrote every detail and moments she had spent her day that makes her sincerely happy. Even if its just in a small detail, she will wrote it down. Every small things always makes her happy. She doesn't care about what she needed to be happy, as long as its calm, fun and lovely - she will called it happiness.

To her happiness come in various ways. Its either the day that make you happy, or it can also be the foods that you eat! Or the clothes you're wearing. Or the people you met!

Happiness will always be there, even in your gloomy days. There will be always a little light of happiness -

"I wonder what is Riki doing right now" Haneul suddenly mumbled, but then she stopped writing as realisation hits her.

She then blushed.

She's accidentally think about him and wonder what is he doing , and deep down inside her didn't know how to react to such a new feeling.

"He probably with his treatment right now" Haneul mumbled and shook her head, trying to stop thinking about him.

But then out of sudden, someone had burst inside her room. Screaming Haneul name loudly and excitedly-

"Lee Haneul!! Guess who's here!!" The person asked, making Haneul eyes lift up, to see who is it.

Her eyes and lips automatically widen widely as she saw who just had come to her room.

"Lee Hala !!!" Haneul screamed, and then opened her arms wide , and quickly the person run towards Haneul, giving her the tightest hug.

Lee Hala, is Lee Haneul cousin. Hala is older by two year, and she is also the favourite cousin to Haneul. Haneul does love her other cousins but Hala is more special to her.

Hala literally grow up together with her through her whole life , except now that she's busy with college and Haneul is busy with her life at the hospital, they rarely got to meet.

"How are you Hala?" Haneul asked, parting away from the hug to look at Hala's face.

"Im doing totally fine and very happy since i finally get to meet you . How about you?" Hala said,

"Well i think im very happy too, since you're here" Haneul replied making Hala let out an awe.

"I actually want to steal you with me today" Hala speak up, making Haneul widen her eyes again.

"Oh my god, really??" Haneul asked, and Hala just nodded happily .

The excitement smile on Haneul face disappear in a second as she remembered that she is hospitalised.

"I don't think i could go out from here.. " Haneul muttered, and Hala just smile at her.

"There's nothing you need to worry, i already ask Dr.Kang the permission to bring you somewhere today. Which mean, you can go out with me!" Hala explained.

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