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ㅤIt was the feeling of loneliness and the sound of nothing , surrounded by a complete darkness . The air were thin , but yet it feels so calm.

It almost feel like she were trapped between somewhere she doesn't know. The place was dark , and only black can be seen.

where am i ? Haneul thoughts as she look around the 4 wall room. It was nothing than just a plain wall, - it looks like she were trapped completely in a box of nothing but just...darkness.

Even if it feels like she trapped inside a box, it doesn't feels like suffocating at all - but instead, it feels spacious, wide and.... free.

It look all calm.

But its lonely.

She like the calming sensual, and being alone here . But her surroundings were too quiet, too dark and it feels nothing but lonely.

Which make her to hate this place.

She want to get out from there.

But, she can't move anywhere. She really trapped inside somewhere but just darkness. It feels like her body paralysed, and only her eyes that move around.

She feels like shouting out of her lungs.

But she can't, as it feels like her voicebox weren't there.

It was too quiet -

That none of millions words could escape from her mouth.

She want to cry,

But she was feeling, nothing.

What is this place? Am i trapped here?

Thoughts of endless questions running through her mind, thinking why was she here? Why can't she move? And mostly, where is this place?

She tried to move and lift her hand, but it feels stuck and heavy. She tried to open her mouth, but it feels like someone put a tape on her mouth, or zipped it.

The sudden feeling that she can't do nothing,

Make her feels anxious, scared and suffocating.

Even when the place were spacious and free, and calming. The feeling that she can't do anything, makes her paranoid .

It makes her feeling that she can't breath again .. With the heavy and tight feelings on her chest -

It was all because of the feeling that she couldn't do anything.


Thats how it feels.




How to stop this feelings..

Of being paranoid?

It wouldn't goes this way, if i didn't panicked that i couldn't move or do anything, right?




Where am i?

Where.. Am.. I?




Am i dying?

Am i really dying?

Is this the feeling of death?

It can't be...

Im not dying yet...

Im not...

The sudden bright lightning came, into the room of darkness. Haneul were surprised but she still can't move or say any word.

She feels helpless.

She want to scream for help..

She want someone to help her ..

But she can't.

She feels like her body slowly drowning.

Into the feeling.

She had earlier.

“Lee Haneul!! Wake up please!”

Where is that sound coming?

“Lee Haneul please be strong! You can do this! You can-!!”

Be strong? Why?

“Lee Haneul please! Wake up! We can't lose you now! ”

Lose me?

What do you mean?


Im dying?

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