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ㅤHaneul let out a heavy sighed as she reached her room. She supposed to have fun with Hala, but her mood suddenly changed. She was happy at first, but it didn't last long for sadness to came and drown her with it.

She then changed her clothes back to the hospital wears, before she lay on her bed. She lay her head on the soft pillow and cover herself with the blanket. Snuggling into the blanket , and then stare outside the window.


That's what she's feeling right now.

She just stare outside the window, watching the sky turns into dark. She didn't even talk when Hala sent her back to the hospital, and now, she didn't even left her bed.

She feel really sad and mad at herself. She couldn't lash it out on anyone, so she choose to keep it to herself.

Then out of sudden, a sound of someone knocking her door, snapped her from her long long thoughts and gazed .

But she didn't move.

She just stay still, and pretend to be sleep instead.

“Haneul, its time to eat your medicine–”

Dr.Kang said but stop as she noticed that Haneul is sleeping, she smile sadly and went towards the bed. Crouching in front the young girl, and slowly patted the girl head.

“Did you have fun today? I hope you did.. ”

“You look tired and sad Haneul, did something happen? Did Hala give you a rough time? I hope not. I'll just think positively that you're tired because you're having too much fun.. ” Dr.Kang chuckled and stand up again.

“It seems like you already asleep. Have a good rest, Haneul. Good night”

With that Dr.Kang left the room.

Dr. Kang really loves Haneul, she sees her like her own sister. That's why she cared, and loved Haneul truly . Its also because she have been taking care of Haneul since Haneul was 10 years old.

She have been there with Haneul, through all the treatment journey. When no one were there for Haneul, she were there for her. And she the one who have seen how broken and strong the girl are.

So ever since that, she never want to leave Haneul or make her sad. Its upset her, just by seeing Haneul became gloomy...

Haneul did heard what Dr.Kang have said and its making her emotional. Just a couple tears fall down from her cheek - And somehow she ended up falling asleep truly after pretending earlier.


Waking up at the bright sunny light, Haneul then pulls her blanket to cover her head, to avoid from the shiny lights. She feels like she does not want to wake up, instead she wanted to stay on her bed all day.

But then the sound of her room door opened and closed, alarmed her. She quickly snuggled into a rolled , with her blanket still fully covering her.

“Wake up Haneul, its 10 am already”

Dr. Kang said, and slowly Haneul pulls down the blanket and peek at the doctor infront of her, who already looking at her.

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