twenty six

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"Oh hi Dr Kang, can i talk to Haneul privately?"

Dr Kang looked at Haneul and then nodded, before wiping her tears without letting Riki seeing it. Then she stand up and leave the room,

To let Riki and Haneul talk 'privately'

"Hello Haneul" Riki said with happy smile, while approaching near toward Haneul bed.

"Hi Riki.. You are not wearing hospital clothes anymore? And you're also not using your crutches too?" Haneul asked and Riki proudly smiled.

"I am here to announced you, i am fully healed! I can go home now, but im too sad to leave this hospital. I don't want to leave you yet"

Riki said, and Haneul just bite her inner lips with uneasy feeling, she feel so dizzy but she try her best to act like she's okay, mostly in front of Riki.

She didn't want him to worry, not when he is cured and about to go home.

"That so good to hear! Im so happy for you Riki! You can run freely now ~" Haneul cheer him up,

Riki then smile again, bringing his hand up to Haneul cheek. Caressing it softly,

"But i don't want to go home, i still want to see you everyday" Riki said, making Haneul bring her hand to caress Riki cheek too.

"Riki.. You can always find me at the room 143"

"I know, but -

"You are always allowed to visit me, you can always come here freely. I will never push you away Riki" Haneul said, as she cupped Riki cheek.

"If i come here to visit you , will we go and hangout under the big tree again?" Riki asked and Haneul nodded happily,

But her smile looked sad.

Riki, do you saw it?

"Its our favourite place, its the place where we known each other and be friends , so of course i will go there to talk with you forever" Haneul said,

"Then, after that can we go sky gazing at the rooftop too?" Riki asked,

And Haneul nodded, "Of course Riki, everything for you"

"I will visit you, every single day Haneul. I promise" Riki said and with that, Haneul slowly remove her hand from Riki face..

"Well then promise me, that you will visit me everyday. And tell me everything about your day. Even if im not here, you must still keep your promise" Haneul replied and Riki nodded happily, showing up his pinky finger.

Haneul then locked their pinkies, and both kiss their hand. To locked the promise.

Riki then look at his watch and sighed.

"My mom will be here around 15 minutes, but i dont want to leave this place yet"

Riki muttered, looking down to Haneul hand, before he take it, and intertwined it with his hand.

Haneul just smiled sadly while her eyes on his,

"I can't bare missing you" Riki whispered and locked his eyes with Haneul.

✓ room 143. [ni-ki]Where stories live. Discover now