twenty seven

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Ring ring

It was a busy day in Lee's restaurant, there's a lot customer coming. Heeseung, were running to one table to another, to takes order.

When someone call him , he declined the call without seeing the dialer name , he was really occupied with the works. Instead of caring who's calling, he put back his phone on his apron, and continuing his work.

His phone ring again, and again.

It never stop.

He then excused himself to the back of the restaurant , mentally sighing , and eventually decided to see who's calling. And to his surprise, it was the hospital number. Anxiously he accepted the call.

“Hello, this is the phone line from the hospital. Is this Lee Heeseung? The brother to Lee Haneul?”

Heeseung's nervously bit his inner lips, hearing the voice tones from the call hes getting, doesn't fit good to him. Its feels like something is wrong.

“Hello, yes its me Heeseung. Brother to Haneul..”

“Well then, Mr Lee, please keep you heart strong and ready before i tell you this”

His hand start sweating cold, and his heart is beating so nervously.

He hated when the hospital tell him this,

To him, its a bad news.

Something bad, like very bad.

“Why..? Did something happened to my sister?”

“We are sorry , sadly we like to announce to you and your family that Patient of Room 143, Lee Haneul have passed away”

With that Heeseung legs tremble and lose it balance, he sit on his knees and grip the phone tightly.

His heart dropped.

He can't talk.

His throat and voice are stuck, it suddenly suffocated to him.

“Please tell me its a joke..”

“We are deeply sorry sir. Sending you and your family our deepest condolence”


“You can come to the hospital sir , and we will held a funeral for her today at 4pm. Its the best for the hospital to help, we all have known Haneul for so long.. So its very hard to see her go”

Tears that falls, like a waterfall. Running endlessly down his cheek,

His heart clutching in pain. All his mood, disappeared into thin line. He couldn't even do anything but being weak. Sobbing so hard,

He didn't know how to tell it to his parents.

“What day that she's gone..”

14 march, 2:35pm sir”

So its today...

Heeseung wipe his tears and nodded,

“Alright, i'll come to the hospital”

And so, the called ended.

Heeseung blankly stare at the sky, as he lean his back against the wall. Its like all of his emotions, and happiness vanished.

“There you are Heeseung, come on now. We got lots of customers” His dad said, as he came to the back.

Heeseung look at his dad, emotionless, and wet eyes.

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