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1st person pov's

ㅤㅤI sighed to myself as its really hard to get up . But i had no choice, i have to stand up for myself because who else will help me when im all alone.

I stand up slowly and when to sit on my wheelchair. Wonder why am i sitting on a wheelchair? Well i got hit by a car recently . And both of my legs are broke .

To me, the accident happened was so tragic. Because before i cross the road, i did watch left and right of the road to if there's car before crossing it. It was empty which i decided to walk , but out of sudden, there's a car popped out of no where - its driving so fast, towards me.

Which now , my mom want me to hospitalised here until both of my legs completely heal - she want me to walk normally again. But who knows how long it will took me for both of my legs to heal.

1 or 2 month?

Its such an unlucky day to me, look now i have to go for a long therapy to get my legs heal . I go from being a healthy kid to kid with disability.

I used my hand pushing the wheel forward as i want to go to the toilet. And after i done my business inside, i decided to walk around the hospital since im still not familiar with it yet.

Again, i used my hand to push the wheel. But before i go outside my room, i brought my sketchbook. Maybe i would get an idea to draw something outside.

Drawing is my favourite hobby. I usually draw on my free time, but it seems like i got lots of free time while being here. Means, i can draw freely and whenever i want .

Then again i push the wheel outside, as i push myself around the corridor near my room , i stop as i saw a girl from afar. She was looking outside the big window with her eyes in awe. Probably admiring the scenery outside .

I stop mid-way as I was too stunned by her beauty.

Thats when, i decided to stop at the corner, and draw her instead . Her side profile is beautiful, the way she gazed outside is beautiful. The way her hair blown calmly is beautiful.


That's how i see her and that's how i will explain to anyone about her .

I may not know her , but her visual is like an angel to me .

I may not seen her again .

But i know , this drawing will last longer.

As i done drawing her face, and hair, along with the window she gazed earlier, i look up again and see, she was nowhere to be seen.

I look around , every corner , and yet there's no sight of her. She have left.

But im glad, i complete her drawing before she's gone .

And lowkey, i am impressed by myself, and the drawing
since I never draw people this fast.

I sighed, and close the book before pushing the wheel to walk around again.

“The girl is wearing patient clothes. I wish i could see her around sometimes again”


Someone's pov hehe 👀 Sorry for the short chapter again >//< i will try to write more ^^ Thank you for still staying to read this story <3

Have a nice day everyone! Please don't skip meals, make sure to always drink water too. Please stay healthy ~

Feel free to comment, always ^^

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