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ㅤㅤToday is already the end of the week. Haneul is doing really fine for now , her blood is quite stable and she haven't have any problem with shortness of breathing yet after the last accident where she almost meet the heaven.

Dr Kang do check on her everytime, as she wanted Haneul to always take her medication. So that nothing serious would happen again.

After this whole week, only Heeseung, her brother that visited her , which was on Monday, even though its only once . Other family members like her parents haven't pay her a visit, which lowkey make her sad.

She really miss her parents .

But she knew, they are busy.

Haneul walk out her room as she decide to go to the garden . The weather today is cloudy , and the sun also didn't shine very bright today , but it doesn't look like it will rain . Which mean, today is very beautiful.

She smiled, and on her way to the elevator. While walking at the hallway, her eyes widen when she saw a boy that around her age , driving his wheelchair fast as if he was playing around -

And what's surprise her, the boy was coming towards her in a speed pace. She close her eyes, and hand out her hand making a stop sign.

But nothing happened. She didn't get hit.

She slowly opened her eyes, and saw the boy stop in front her. He was staring at her dearly, and in awe but Haneul didn't see how he look at her.

“Oh my gosh! You shouldn't have playing around like that - you might hit people with your wheelchair!” Haneul said, not that she mad, but she try to warn him to not doing it again.

“Sorry, but i didn't hit you right?” The boy said, and Haneul scoffed. “But still - you almost hit me!” Haneul replied and pouted.

“Right.. almost”

The boy smiled in victory , thinking its cute that she pouted because he made her a little frustrated.

“Well if you mind, i get going first” Haneul said and continuing walking to the elevator. But the boy followed her, making Haneul look at him in confusion.

“What are you doing?” Haneul asked, stopping her step and folded her arms before looking at the boy. The boy smile sheepishly at her.

“I want to follow where you going” the boy simply replied, making the girl raise her left eyebrow.

“And why is that?” Haneul asked again.

“Because its boring here, and i got no one to talk” The boy said and look Haneul straight in her eyes. Haneul feel strange with the look that he give.

Its feels very uneasy in her stomach and chest.

What is this feeling?

She look away, and sighed. He is right, it is boring at the hospital - and she agreed that she also got no one to talk. But Haneul have live in the hospital, like for 5 years - so she didn't really care if she doesn't have anyone to talk.

But the boy, she never see him at the hospital before. And somehow, the boy look familiar to her. She doesn't know if she have seen him before but her brain remembered him.

She got dejavu but she didn't know when.

“Fine. To be honest, you're the first patient i talk to since i also don't have anyone to talk except the doctors” Haneul spoke and then continued walking - with the boy following behind.

The both get inside the elevator, then Haneul push the button to the first floor. Like she planned earlier, she wanted to go to the garden , not being stuck with this patient.

The elevator make a ting sound as it reach the floor she headed to. The door opened and she quickly walk outside, to the garden.

If you wonder, she did bring her pole stand. Because the iv drip wires always stuck in her. But the doctor didn't hang any spare blood bag , because they think her blood is stable at this moment.

They reach the garden, and Haneul take a sit on the bench since she feels a bit tiring from all the walking. She then look at the boy beside her.

The boy didn't sit on the bench, since he just sit on his wheelchair.

After giving it some thoughts, Haneul decided to speak.

“Hey, do you perhaps want to be friends?” Haneul asked, then the boy look at her before smiling happily and said “Sure, friends !”

“My name is Nishimura Riki , its very nice to meet you” The boy said as he stick out his hand in front of her. Haneul smile before shaking her hand with him .

“My name is Lee Haneul, and its pleased to meet you too” Haneul said before taking her hand away.

“So..Why did you hospitalised?” Asked Haneul to Riki.

“I got hit by a car , and my legs are broke. My mom wants to hospitalised me , because she thinks its better if i just stay and heal here with the medication and therapy instead of staying at home and play games-”

Riki explained making Haneul let out a chuckled.

“Ohh its like the same accident on Monday, i saw the doctor and nurses pushing a bed, there's a boy that was laying there, covered with blood- then i saw his mother crying in front of the emergency room, and she explained to me how it happen– wait a second- is that perhaps -”

Haneul stop mid sentence, as she remembered the glimpse of the boy face that day. Making Riki looked at her in confusion , waiting for her to continued her story.

Haneul gasped.

“That's you!”

“Wait the boy you meant that cover with blood, is me?!” Riki said, still wasn't sure -

“Yes i remembered the face clearly, its literally you!”

“Oh my god! Its me?!!”

“Yes youu... ”

“Oh my! Its me!!” Riki squeal and Haneul just look at him blankly as she realised, they were squealing happily at such situation.

“Wait - why are we so happy that it is you? You literally look lifeless that moment ” Haneul said making Riki clear his throat awkwardly.

“Sorry -

But may i ask how old are you?” Riki asked.

“16 this year. You?”

“Same! What month did you born?”

“March 14th, how about you?”

“December 9th...”

“Hah! Im older!!” Haneul smiled proudly making Riki snickered.

Then he smirked, “Well do you want me to call you noona?”

“What ew no!!! We literally the same age, just different birth month - not year!” Haneul said and Riki laughed at her reaction.

And thats how the two met and become friends.


Riki boy finally in the story ₍ᐢ˶• ˔ กᐢ₎ Here's an update hehe, i hope this chapter is ok. Thank you for reading.

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Have a nice day!

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