twenty two

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knock knock

The sound of someone knocking on the door of room 143, make Haneul herself stand up and see who's knocking it.

She smiled seeing the person standing outside from the hole on her door room . Opening the door, she got greet with warm smell of his.

"You ready?" Riki asked and Haneul nodded as she step outside her room, closing the door behind slowly before walking to the rooftop with Riki beside.

It was 11 pm in the night, as the two planned to go to the rooftop to see the light of cityscape below and the millions stars on the sky.

Surely non of the workers saw them going to the rooftop. Patients isn't allowed to go out from their room when its passed 10 but somehow they just managed to broke one of the rule without being caught.

Of course they did sneak upstairs quietly.

Then they reached at the rooftop, and they both went straight to sit on the bench.

Just when they sit down, they both sigh in relief as their eyes were looking at the night sky and the scape below them.

It was calming night sensual. With refreshing air, and beautiful sight. Everything here was just beautiful. Even when it was a night time , their world seems just too bright with having the building lights, and the light from moon and stars.

"The sky look even prettier at night, don't you think that way too?" Haneul said and asked, making Riki himself nodded.

"It is indeed beautiful" he simply replies her,

"I love night sky, it got moon and stars on it" Haneul said, making Riki slowly move his gaze on her. Admiring the girl who is smiling , and busy admiring the sky.

"We both know, night sky is beautiful, but what am i seeing is much more beautiful, mostly under the moonlight right now" Riki said, with his maintain expression.

Haneul on the other hand, confusedly look at him, and was surprised to see that he already looking at her.

And with that, their eyes locked,

But the eye contact didn't last for 5 seconds before she look away, as she feels her cheek slowly heating up and showing a pink blushed on it.

Riki also look away, clearing his throat. Basically didn't know where he got the nerves to say that to her. And lowkey, feeling embarrassed.

But he was a bit taken back, after what Haneul have said next.

"Thank you Riki"

Riki lips slowly lift up making a smile , and then he decided to ask her, "Again? But for what? "

"Everything that you've done to me, and for calling me beautiful. I know, i said thank you numerous of times, but i mean it. It feels like, i just can't stop thanking you.." Haneul said,

And Riki slowly nodded,

"I didn't know what i did though, to deserve a thank's from you. But, as long as it did make you happy then its a pleasure from me then" Riki said,

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