twenty three

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Laying alone on his hospital bed while staring and admiring his dearly hand . Recalling back everything that had happened last night.

Even though the night didn't last for a long time, and  happened in a blink of eyes, it still mean forever to him.

"Your hand are so cute, it fits perfectly on mine too"

"I guess our hand are perfectly match for each other then"

He smiled, and quickly snuggling his face on the pillow, screaming and blushing alone. He didn't know what happened to him, and to his heart.

His heart will beat on unhealthy rate everytime he think about the girl, it feels like it would burst out from his chest.

He put his palm on his chest, and feel his heart beating rapidly.

"I guess this is what happened to fall in love..."

He muttered while feeling his heart that beating, everytime Haneul appear on his mind.

"This feelings.... is new to me. Those butterflies and tingling feelings on my stomach and chest, those heart racing, those heat on my cheek... I think im in love with her"

"Wait - i am already and always in love with her"

Then he covered his face with his pillow again, hiding the fact that he his fanboying about the girl that think about him as 'close friend'.

"Right. Im just a close friend to her.." He mumbled, removing the pillow slowly from his face, as realisation hits him.

He sighed and shrugged those killjoy feeling off,

"I don't care. She could think of me as a friend as she want to, but that doesn't mean i cannot love her. I love her anyways"

He said proudly.

He then stare at the window, and bite his inner bottom lips. Feeling all uneasy, and unsure about what he said.

"But i can't lie that it did hurt... A bit"

"Just a bit..Its not hurt that much, so i'll be fine"

"Im not falling onto unrequited love.. Am i?"

"I wish i could tell her how i feel..."

"But im scared if it all goes wrong. Im scared i lose this friendship i had with her. Im fine if she didn't like me, but i would never be fine to lose a friendship with her. Confessing to her, will not just ruin our friendship but we will became a complete stranger because of my selfishness.."

Riki sighed and about to close his eyes, but then a voice interrupted him, startling the poor heart of his.

"Correction, both loving and confessing to her could hurt you. So don't do both"

Riki turns around and surprised to see Dr. Moon Taeil standing near the entrance to his room.

"Since when have you been s-standing t-there!?"
Riki gasped and accidentally higher his voice.

"Longer than you think" Dr. Moon simply replied, making Riki face turned pale as if his soul had left his body.

"So t-thats mean... You saw what im doing and heard me talking alone?" Riki asked, and he just nodded.

"I was about to meet you, but i decided to let your delulu end first"

"Oh mY gOD dr MOONNNN"

Dr Moon laughed, watching the boy covering his face again.

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