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ㅤUnder the big tree at the hospital garden, there's Haneul and Riki. Haneul is sitting on the bench, while Riki is just sitting on his wheelchair. Both were admiring the blue sky and birds that flying freely around.

The weather today was quite windy, and very cold to Haneul. It just a soft wind, yet it sent Haneul chills and shivers until down her spine.

Haneul wrapped herself with cardigan that knitted by her grandmother - she also wrapped her grandmother scarf around her neck. It was to keep her warm.

"Haneul, we've known each other more than a week. And i've been wondering, why are you hospitalised here?" Riki asked out of blue without moving his gazed that still on the sky.

Haneul looked at him, and sighed. They've have known each other more than week. And they also always meet up under this tree, admiring the sky together.

If its not under the tree, they will be at the rooftop or at the garden.

The two have grown closer and meet each other everyday.

"Im just sick" Haneul simply replied , making Riki look at her with face that 'want to know more' .

"what kind of sick ?" Riki asked, making Haneul chuckled.

"I'll tell you one day" Haneul said, and Riki pouted. "But i want to know right now" Riki pleaded but Haneul just shook her head.

"One day, i promise i will tell you" Haneul said, and show Riki a reassuring smile.

"When is that 'one day' you talking about?" Riki asked

"One day... Maybe in the morning? Maybe in the evening? Maybe next week? Maybe next month? Maybe next year? Maybe in the future? Or maybe... in your dream?" Haneul joked and Riki glared at her.

"Haneul im not joking" Riki said sternly.

"And i wasn't joking too! Im telling the truth! I will tell you, one day on who knows when. We'll see how the situation are, maybe its fits tomorrow, then i'll tell you tomorrow, but if its fits today, i will tell you today but i dont want to tell you yet. Which mean not today. So you better wait for 'who knows when' "

Haneul explained and Riki just look at her in disbelief.

"You're really something Haneul.. " Riki said and Haneul just shrugged.

"Okay fine, i won't ask about what kind of sickness you have anymore. Instead, tell me how long you have been staying here and have you planned to leave?" Riki asked another question.

Haneul let out long hummed as she tap her chin continuously using her index finger, as if she was in a long thoughts.

"I've been staying here for like 6 years, and i do want to leave this place but maybe when im healthy again.. "

But i dont think i will ever be healthy again ...

Because i was born this way, and nothing will helped me.

This is my fate.

I think i will choose to go with the flow.

But i want to be healthy.

For once.

So i will not give up, and trust myself.

I will get cure!

"6 years? Its so long ! Like if you've been staying here like 6 years, why are you still here? You suppose to be healthy by now , you have been through such a long treatments already! " Riki said, and Haneul eyes start watering.

Her thoughts about not giving up, shattered.

She was too stunt to talk - she feels like her tongue are tied, her words are lost. She think, Riki is right. Its been 6 years, yet she haven't cure from her disease.

She still believes in miracles , she believes miracles will help her one day - she believes she will be all healthy and cure, she believes.

for once.

That's all she wanted.

But why didn't she realised it? She told everyone she's been staying here about 6 years already? But why she didn't notice it earlier? That there's no progressing of her curing?

She's never going to be cure. She knew . She knew about it, and have been avoid that thoughts. She try to think positively, she believes in miracles - but she knew, she can't keep denying what have meant for her.

Why didn't the doctor freed her if she can't be cured?

Why is she still here..? Stuck at the hospital?


"Earth to Haneul..?" Riki called her name numerous times, until she, herself snapped out of her thoughts.

She looked at Riki again, and look away as she could feels her tears will drop in any time.

"A-are you alright? Im sorry if my words hurt you.. I didn't mean to hurt you.. A-are you c-crying??" Riki worriedly asked.

With that, Haneul burst out crying. Making Riki widen his eyes, and panicked instead.

"H-haneul look. Im sorry, i don't have any intention to make you cry or hurt you - im so so sorry Haneul-aa, don't cry" Riki said, as he bring his hand to wipes Haneul tears.

"Don't l-look at me. I-im such an ugly crier" Haneul speak with her cries.

Even if Haneul think she's an ugly crier , she still look beautiful to Riki. Because, Haneul is the girl that Riki draw when he first saw her.

From the very first sight, Riki was so surprised to saw an angel, that so beautiful like her.

Beautiful, beautiful Haneul.

The girl in the corridor, the girl that admiring the sky from the big window. Its her. Lee Haneul, and its Riki that draw her from afar.

"Im sorry" Riki said for the hundredth time of apologising before pulling Haneul into a tight hugs.

"Y-you're right Riki. Its been 6 years, why haven't i get cure yet? Im stuck here, and its suck" Haneul mumbled in her tears.

"Maybe you're really sick. But, if you really want to get cure, you shouldn't have give up on yourself. It may took a long times, but you will get cure. you know, who knows when." Riki said, emphasing back Haneul words.

Haneul stop crying and wipe of her tears before pulling away from the hugs. "You're right.. I-i just have to wait for, who knows when"

But what if, "who knows when" never come?

Haneul sighed,

"Lets go back inside now, i want to clean up and rest, you should do the same too"


This book reach 100 reads already?? ㅠㅠ Omg thank youu so much for reading ! I love youu >v<

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