twenty five

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After some times spending at the Room of 143, Riki have finally left the room. They hang out and talk about half time a day,

Haneul is happy and glad to tell him how she felt, and how he feel towards her. But at the same time she wasn't really happy about it.

It feels like a biggest mistake she had made,

But yet, its feels like a beautiful mistake, that pain.

Laying down on her bed, with eyes focus on the white ceiling and mind that busy with thoughts. She didn't know how she truly feel right now.

She's getting cold, and she didn't know how to warm herself. She already coated herself with hoodie, jacket and scarf and blanket. But it still there.

She also didn't know if it's her body that feels so tired or her soul that feeling that way. Her eyes feels heavy everytime she took a blink, she didn't know why but she's scared.

She's scared that the feeling and pain come all together again,

Suddenly, the urge to throw up rise in her. She quickly sit up and run to the toilet. Throwing up the breakfast food she eat,

While throwing up, she can feel someone holding her hair up. But she didn't care to know who it was, as she feels really bad right now.

She look up and wipe her lips. Walking to the sink and wash her mouth.

"Haneul, are you okay?" Dr Kang said, and Haneul shrugged.

"You just throw up blood" Dr Kang said, trailing off her eyes to the toilet and worriedly look back to Haneul who is now looking pale.

"L-lets rest, and i will have your check up done"

Dr Kang said , holding Haneul arms softly, trying to lead her back to her bed. But Haneul eyes didn't left from staring at her doctor,

Haneul eyes fills with worried, scared and anxious. Her eyes trembling, with tears pooling inside.

Slowly Dr Kang let Haneul lay on the bed, raising the bed position into a sit up position, so that Haneul could sit and let her back against it.

She look again, at her dear doctor. Haneul were looking at the doctor eyes, reading the expression on her face. She noticed there's tears glistening, so she smile bitterly.

"Am i dying Dr Kang?" Haneul asked, eyes still on her.

Dr Kang stop her doing and look sadly at Haneul before shooking her head rapidly. Bringing her hand to stroke Haneul hand, before smiling sadly again.

"You're not.. Don't say that" Dr Kang said before looking away, doesn't dare to look into Haneul eyes.

"Why don't you look at me? You're avoiding eye contact" Haneul said-whispered as her voice slowly losing it sound. With that tears fall down from her eyes,

"Your blood count is l-losing... w-we need - no - i.. i had to bring blood pack for you. Wait here, i-i come back-

As Dr Kang stand up, and about to leave hurriedly . Without hesitation, Haneul take Dr Kang's hand, to stop her .

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