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ㅤFaint chirping of birds, and golden rays of sunshine. Another day have begin , with such a nice start of calming sensual.

Haneul sit up on her bed, as she already awake. She then walk to the bathroom to clean herself, but somehow her head feels dizzy and worst, her sight were seeing the room spinning.

She shook it off, since she knew it was some side effects from her leukaemia problem, so she find its normal that she thought she shouldn't have care much.

She then proceed her ways to the bathroom and did her business.

After done, she went back to her room. But while walking to her room , she end up losing her stability due to her head still spinning.

She held the wall as her support quickly and try to stabilise her breathing as she suddenly attacked with her anxiety.

Her eyes slowly want to close it self, but Haneul try her best to keep it open no matter what . She continue her steps, until she reach her bed.

Without wasting time, she quickly sit on her bed, and held her head that still hurting. Her chest also feels like someone was stabbing her , due to the suffocating problem.

Why does it all had to come and attack me at once?

At this point, she admitted that she is really scared,

But again, she couldn't help herself.

Like the last time.

Where her body doesn't want to cooperate with her anymore.

She couldn't do anything but to drown with the pain.

She can't talk or move anywhere.

She can't shout for help.

She can't.. She's stuck..

Stuck again, on the hospital bed..

Slowly her head laid on her soft pillow, with eyes that feels heavy.

I can't give up now..... Help yourself Haneul... Please..

And gladly at the same time, Dr. Kang came to her room like usual , to give Haneul her medicine. But seeing the sight of Haneul, makes her panicked, surprised and scared.

“H-Haneul?! What happened? Are you okay?” Dr. Kang asked with a worried tones.

Haneul smile weakly.

“I-i can't breath...”

Just a simple sentences, said with a soft whispered tones had escape from her lips, before she fall unconscious completely .

As she thought she wake up to such a calming day, with birds chirping, and beautiful sky was going to be a good day .Turns to fall apart and ruined within a minutes as she start her days.



Riki alone sitted at the small corner for reading at the lobby . He was busy reading a book, that have written 100+ of korean names that have its meaning.

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