twenty six #2

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Dr Kang were about to check on Haneul, but she was a bit worried for not seeing her on her bed. That is when she saw Haneul laying on the floor,

All lifeless.


"No... No no noooooooo"

She rushed towards her without wasting any second,

"Haneul, please nooo.."

"Wake up Haneul!" she shake the girl softly but not even one move even made by the girl,

Dr Kang then click the emergency button, and scream loudly for help.

"Haneul, wake up please.." Dr Kang said, while doing a cpr to the lifeless girl.

Doctors and Nurses rush into Room 143 after getting an emergency alarmed, all stood in the room watching Dr Kang crying while doing a cpr.

"Dr Kang check her pulse" One of the doctor said, and so she did.

"Her pulse... Not beating.."

"She's losing her pulse.."

Dr Kang said, as her tears keep falling endlessly.

"Didn't you just refill her medicine Dr Kang?"

One of the nurse asked, while she's checking the tray of medicines in Haneul room.

Dr Kang nodded, "I did.."

"All this 23 bottles?"


"But Its all emptied" the nurse said, making Dr Kang speechless.

"Dr Kang.. There's bubble coming out from her mouth.. So that possibly mean.. She's overdosing her medicines.."

"Noooooo she's not" Dr Kang said, still never give up doing the cpr on the girl.

The doctors and nurses, can't help but watch her silently.

"That's enough Dr Kang.. She's not gonna make it.."

"She's gone.."

"We're late"

With that Dr Kang stop, and sighed.

Looking at the girl one last time before wiping away her tears,

"Put her.. On her death bed. Announced her death, to her family. Lee Haneul died on , 2:35 pm, 14 march 2021.. If they asked, its cause by her leukaemia disease and overdosing pills"

"And i would like to apologise, for not noticing about her medicines. I should've stop her or keep my eyes on her.. Its all my fault-"

Dr Kang got cut off my Dr Moon.

"Its no one fault. Let the angel herself rest, she have been fighting through all her life, she's finally free from her battle . So lets be happy. She will not like us for being sad" Dr Moon said and the other agreed.


After all this years,

It was a live or fight battle for Lee Haneul,

She's suffering,

She's hurting,

And she have died a lots of time,

but yet everyone keep saving her.

But now, she's finally free.

No more suffering,

No more hurting,

She's free.

Free like a bird in the blue sky.

She's happy.

She didn't regret her decision at all.

Loving and meeting, someone is also the best thing she have done before leaving.

Nishimura Riki, the only boy she will ever love.

She know its selfish,

Because she is doing it all for freedom.

And she didn't think much about those who love her, will be in pain.

She know she's going to hurt them,

But she can't continued living, with endless pain.

She can't let herself hurting even more.

Being selfish is not a bad thing,

Its a self love to her.

She's being kind to herself.

She wants herself to be happy and cured,

So she choose to this path.

She choose how she supposed to be.

Its already planned.

So go with how it flows,

Don't keep changing it.

You will still end up being into the same planned.

So not matter how much time they had save Haneul from dying, she will end up that way no matter what.

Rest well angel,

The sky is all yours.


Actually chapter 26 is already the end of it, but it seems too short for me to end it, so here is it, a continued chapter.

Thank you so much for reading, and voting this book. Ignore those typos and spelling errors, i might edit it soon to fix it.

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