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beep.. beep.. beep..

The sound of Haneul's heart monitor have come back to a normal pace .

“We saved her!” The doctors and nurses all celebrate, all happy and relieved.

Haneul blood have dropped completely too low, that the oxygen on her body couldn't cooperate well, and her heart couldn't pump enough blood to help her whole body.

Which it would lead her into death if no one come and save her right on time . The doctors couldn't imagine themselves losing her, due to late timing. But thankfully, Dr.Kang were there, the moment Haneul fall unconscious .

But even if they bring back Haneul heart to beat again , Haneul haven't wake up yet -

She still unconscious, even if her heart is in normal pace.

Blood packets and iv drop are hanged to the the hospital pole. Where it all attached and inject to her hand . The room leave no one after that , but Dr. Kang only.

She held Haneul hand tightly, and smile sadly looking how much injection and wires are connected to Haneul arms.

It look painful to her.

“Haneul, how long you want to sleep? Wake up please, i miss talking to you..” Dr. Kang said, as she caress the girl hand softly.

“You may look in pain today, but i promise you that it all will stop one day. You will be heal, and cured, i promise that - i promise that you won't be in any pain anymore, i promise you will be free from here. I will make sure that, i promise.. ”

“Rest well for now Haneul, you're such a strong fighter today, i come back again when you're awake”

With that she slowly let go Haneul hand, and left the room.


Its been 3 days.

And Riki have been staring at the door of room 143 everyday . Waiting patiently for that door to open, to see that certain person to come out,

Everyday, everytime he passed this room. He will stop for a while and wait in front of the door .. He wait.. He wait for half an hour just to see that girl again.

The only girl,

That none other than, Lee Haneul.

But, he will always continue walking passed the room after he wait for too long in front of the door and the girl didn't even come out.

He smile, and pray for tomorrow.

He pray that tomorrow,

Tomorrow the door will open,

And the girl he want to see, will walk out.

He admitted it and , had confirmed his feeling. That he like that girl, he miss that girl and he want to see that girl so bad.

He want to come closer to the handle of room 143 door, he want to twist the handle to open the door, and come inside but he stop himself, because he choose to respect the girl privacy.

✓ room 143. [ni-ki]Where stories live. Discover now